標題: Gil Jersey about bees. However
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Gil Jersey about bees. However
Fifty three year-old Basmattie Kishore and her two year-old granddaughter, are now patients at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) following a bee attack on Saturday morning.Both Kishore and her granddaughter Anysa Pooran,Custom Netherlands Jersey, who reside at Lot 820 Enmore, Hope West,Anthony Martial Manchester Jersey, East Coast Demerara, are in stable condition.Kishore told this publication that she was downstairs washing clothes on Saturday at around 09:00hrs,Giacomo Bonaventura Jersey, when she felt the sting of two bees. She said that a few seconds after, the whole hive came buzzing from her neighbour’s ceiling.“I start hollering and me granddaughter come to me rescue. The bees hold on pun the lil’ girl,” the woman recalled.Already swarmed by the insects,Justin Morrow Toronto Shirts, Kishore stated that she grabbed the little girl and ran into a nearby bathroom.She went on, “I tek she (Pooran) and sat under the shower. If I didn’t rub that lil’ girl, she wudda dead.”The woman said that at the time of the incident, her husband was at work. Kishore added that she and her granddaughter were taken to the hospital by a neighbour, whose two-storey house is infested with bees.Basmattie KishoreShe recalled that this is not the first time the bees have attacked and she constantly lives in fear. She pointed out that she would normally have to keep her windows closed as a precaution.The grandmother recalled that she had made several complaints to her neighbour and the National Agriculture Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) about bees. However, she lamented that nothing has been done about the situation so far.Kishore confirmed that she plans on making several other complaints to the relevant authorities. According to the woman, “The bees could have killed me granddaughter. If you see how she face swell up!”Apart from feeling pain in her head and knees, she stated that she was feeling “okay.”When Kaieteur News visited Pooran in the Paediatric Ward yesterday, the little girl appeared cheerful,Sergio Romero Jersey, as she interacted with family members at her bed side. The toddler’s face was still a bit swollen,Eric Dier Jersey UK, while several red spots were visible across her body.