標題: Sven Bender Dortmund Shirts 00 hours on Thursday
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-4 01:16  資料 私人訊息 
Sven Bender Dortmund Shirts 00 hours on Thursday
A man who is currently under police guard at the Georgetown Public Hospital said he was reportedly beaten in the head and about his body with a gun by a police rank.The man,James Milner Jersey,? 25-year-old Vivian Norville,Jan Vertonghen Jersey UK, said that some time after 16:00 hours on Thursday,Efrain Velarde Mexico Jersey, he noticed a police man with whom he is familiar with at the corners of Stone Avenue and Campbell Avenue.Norville,Argentina Soccer Jersey, who was riding his motorcycle at the time,Will Keane Jersey, said that the policeman simply raised his hand to him and he did the same in return.“He does normally stop me fuh a li’l raise, but I pass so fast and I see he turn in de corner so I continue to ride.”Norville said that he then continued his journey onto Sheriff Street and then into Drury Lane when he noticed the same rank behind him with sirens on. Again, he said that he paid no mind. The man claimed that he continued his journey as he was heading home.While at Pike Street,David De Gea Manchester Jersey, Norville admitted to hitting a girl with his motorcycle and it was at that point that the rank caught up with him.“After I hit the girl I fall off the bike and I get up to help the girl and the rank scramble me and by then a van load of police come up.”The man claimed that one of the ranks immediately exited the vehicle and began beating him with a gun. Norville said that he was then bundled into the vehicle and taken to the Kitty Police Station.Although in pain, the man said that he was forced to wait almost three hours before he was taken to the hospital for treatment.When this newspaper visited the man yesterday his head was swollen and he was spitting blood. Up to press time yesterday Norville was still being treated at the Hospital.He was being guarded by a police rank. Even in the hospital the man said that he was being denied his basic rights. The man said that he was not allowed a shower until after noon yesterday since the rank guarding him could not find the keys for the handcuff.Meanwhile the girl who sustained minor injuries after being struck down was treated for her injuries was kept for observation; She was released some time yesterday.