標題: David Silva Manchester City Jersey Providence
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-3 10:47  資料 私人訊息 
David Silva Manchester City Jersey Providence
President David Granger on Saturday commissioned two more 50-seater buses for East Berbice Corentyne, Region 6 in three days.This makes it three buses that have been commissioned for this area in three days.The donations are part of the President’s ‘Three B’s ‘Boats, Buses and Bicycles’ programme.Its objective is to ensure that every child is afforded equal access to education.The first bus, which was donated by Mr. Mohamed Nazrudeen of Jumbo Jet was commissioned at the Rose Hall Primary, and will serve the areas between Lancaster and No.2 Village, Lower Corentyne. The second bus, which was donated by the Ramada Princess Hotel,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, was commissioned in Sister’s Village will serve the East Bank of Berbice.On Thursday, one bus was donated by prominent businessman,Wholesale Jerseys, Mr. Peter Lewis of Associated Construction Services. ?That bus will be used to transport students from Moleson Creek to Limlair Corentyne Berbice.The president has spoken of plans to expand the three B’s programme to include a nutritious breakfast and books.He called on the adults to do everything possible to make sure that every child gets to school.“If you know of any child in your village, your ?street, who is not going to school because he has no breakfast or transport or ?if you see children liming about, ask them why they are not at school and try to help them ?get to school and you will see the difference in this country,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” he asserted.President David Granger assists little Ms. Fieona Mohamed, as she cuts the ribbon to commission the bus at Rose Hall, as Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally ?and Donor Nazrudeen Jumbo Jet Mohammed look on.The “David G No. 4” at Sister’s VillageThe President said that while travelling across the country,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, he sees children struggling to get to school. Some students in the Hinterland have to walk for miles while those on the coast spend thousands of dollars on transportation.The President, during his address mentioned his five E’s composites for success-Education,Cheap Jerseys From China, Employment, Equality, Enterprise and Empowerment?and gave the assurance that his Administration will create the environment across Guyana for the necessary success to take place.Minister of Social Cohesion Amna Ally, mentioned that through the president’s ‘Three Bs’ initiative people throughout the country are beginning to see the evidence of the good life promised by the APNU+AFC Coalition. She expressed the Government’s gratitude to donors, Mr. Peter Lewis who alone donated two buses, a boat and a number of bicycles to the programme; Mr Nazrudeen Mohammed and the Princess Hotel.Nazrudeen Mohamed Junior, in speaking at the ceremony at the Rose Hall Primary School, said that the family became inspired to help when they too realised that there are many children who cannot afford transportation to and from school.? He indicated that his family will continue to support the administration in such efforts, which are aimed at developing the lives of Guyanese.Mr. Eray Kanmaz, General Manager of Ramada Princess Hotel, Providence, speaking at Sisters Village stated that he sees the donation as part of the company’s corporate social responsibilities and gave the assurance of more support in the future.During the commissioning ceremonies, Fieona Mohammed of The Sheet Anchor Nursery School recited the poem the ‘Three Bs’,Bobby Orr Jersey, much to the delight of the attendees.The Government also came in for high praise from the residents who expressed the thought that a well-educated Region will significantly impact national development.“The children are happy because education is for everyone and now they have the means of getting to school free of cost. We needed this service and thanks to the President, for your foresight,” one resident said.So far, nine buses, six boats and over 300 bicycles have been given out under the President’s three B’s programme.