標題: Tonny Vilhena Jersey 000.”
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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學分 45690
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-2 20:53  資料 私人訊息 
Tonny Vilhena Jersey 000.”
Three suspected drug mules appeared in the Kempton Park Magistrate’s Court, South Africa next week,Jared Borgetti Jersey, Gauteng police said on Wednesday.They were arrested at OR Tambo International Airport over the weekend for allegedly attempting to smuggle drugs with a total value of about R1.5 million into South Africa, Colonel Vishnu Naidoo.On Saturday,Will Keane Jersey, Dawn Whelinena Sampson, from Guyana,Lucas Lima Jersey, arrived on a plane from Sao Paulo, Brazil. He was searched, and found carrying three laptops.“olice found just under three kilograms of cocaine concealed inside the three laptops with a total value of approximately R1 million.”Wilfredo Wilder Pen Saavedra,Henrikh Mkhitaryan Manchester Jersey, who is from Peru, arrived on the same flight, Naidoo said.“He was suspected of having swallowed drugs, and after having undergone X-rays, it was discovered that he indeed had swallowed foreign objects suspected to be cocaine to the value of approximately R300,000,Pedro Chelsea Jersey,” Naidoo said.On Sunday,Kolo Toure Jersey, police arrested Nigerian citizen Odinaka Aloysius Ilona, also on a flight from Sao Paulo.He was also suspected of having swallowed drugs. He was X-rayed and found to have swallowed cocaine.“He has since discharged capsules containing cocaine to the value of approximately R200,000.”He was still in hospital.Sampson and Saavedra appeared in the Kempton Park Magistrate’s Court on Monday and would remain in custody until their next court appearance on March 19. The case against Ilona was postponed, in absentia, to March 20. South Africa (www.timeslive.co.za) –