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註冊 2017-5-25
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Daley Blind Manchester Jersey 00 hrs yesterday
– killer at largeA 36-year-old Konawaruk vendor died at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation yesterday afternoon after he was stabbed in the back while going to the assistance of a woman who was being assaulted.Despite valiant efforts by a friend to save him,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Conrad Semple, of 63 South Ruimveldt,Cheap NFL Jerseys, succumbed at the GPHC several hours after the attack, which occurred around 20:45 hrs on Thursday in an area in Konawaruk known as Black Water.His assailant is reportedly still at large.Dead: Conrad Semple Kaieteur News understands that Semple, who has a one-year-old son, operated a cook-shop at Konawaruk.According to reports,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Semple was in the vicinity of Black Water when he saw a man assaulting a Brazilian woman.Semple reportedly approached the couple to pacify the woman’s attacker when another man, who was with the couple, stabbed him in the back.Kwame Trim, a friend of Semple’s told Kaieteur News that he was about 200 yards away when he saw Semple running towards him.“He came running to me and said that he get juck,” the friend said.According to Trim, he immediately strapped Semple’s wound, placed him in an all-terrain vehicle, and headed to Mahdia, several miles away. But Trim said that he suffered two punctures to the ATV during the journey.Luckily, he encountered a team from the Geology and Mines Commission, and they took Semple in a vehicle to Mahdia.According to Trim, they arrived around 02:00 hrs yesterday,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, and he tried desperately to charter a flight to take his wounded friend to the city.However, it was several hours before a plane eventually transported them to the Ogle Aerodrome.A sister of the victim told Kaieteur News that someone from Mahdia had informed her that her sibling had been stabbed.“The guy said that it was serious but that he was going to make it. According to the sister,Cheap Jerseys Online, her brother was alive and was even speaking up to around 03:00 hrs yesterday.“But apparently the plane took too long to collect him.”The woman said that when family members arrived at Ogle, they were told that her brother had already been placed in an ambulance. She then headed to the GPHC but by the time she arrived,Authentic Jerseys Sale, Conrad had already been taken to the Accident and Emergency Unit.He reportedly passed away shortly after.The sister said that Conrad had been working in the interior since he was about 16.Assistant Police Commissioner David Ramnarine told Kaieteur News that a team is being mobilized to head to the area where the murder occurred.“A team is being prepared with a view to going into the area. I trust that transportation will be available to take the team to Black Water, which is several miles away.”