標題: Eriq Zavaleta Jersey that despite those
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-2 14:38  資料 私人訊息 
Eriq Zavaleta Jersey that despite those
The relationship between Guyana and Venezuela has remained healthy, notwithstanding the ups and downs related to the issue of the 1999 Arbitral Award.Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, in addressing the media yesterday at his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing, reiterated that both nations have sought specific mechanisms not to have the controversy impact unnecessarily on the conduct of bilateral relationships.“This has been the enlightened approach by the then President (Bharrat) Jagdeo and former President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez”. ?It is on this and other initiatives taken subsequently, Dr. Luncheon said,Rafinha Jersey, that both the earlier challenge to the status quo and the latest one, that despite those,Victor Moses Jersey, the relationship between the two countries continues to remain healthy.This sentiment,Martin Skrtel Jersey, he added,Zlatan Ibrahimovic Manchester Jersey, exists in the administration that the differences can, via diplomacy, be “handled adequately without any injury to the existing relationship”.Guyana’s Spanish-speaking neighbour had recently voiced its official disapproval of exploratory drilling operations which recently started offshore Guyana’s territorial waters,Liverpool Jersey, by US Oil Exploration giant,Toni Kroos Jersey, ExxonMobil.