標題: Adam Bogdan Jersey it’s just that
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-2 12:38  資料 私人訊息 
Adam Bogdan Jersey it’s just that
“Let me clear this up…I have no intentions,Nicolas Otamendi Manchester City Jersey, no desire,Rafinha Jersey, nothing,George Corral Mexico Jersey, to run for a third term. All of this speculation out there, it’s just that, speculation.”resident Bharrat JagdeoThis is according to President Bharrat Jagdeo who was responding to a question posed to him by an individual at the Public Sector’s Commission dinner,Kolo Toure Jersey, held Friday night at the Pegasus.The question emanated from wide spread rumours that the Peoples Progressive Party’s leader plans to run for a third term.According to the findings of a poll carried out recently, Jagdeo has a fairly good chance at being re-elected to office.Figures out of the poll stated that 47 per cent of the participants agree that Jagdeo should be allowed to seek another term as President. Thirty one per cent say that he should not,Shinji Kagawa Jersey, and 22 per cent either stand undecided or offered no response.However, many of those who claim to be undecided,Dani Alves Brazil Jersey, confirmed that they would vote for Jagdeo should he be the candidate, which suggests that he is likely to win another mandate because the alternatives are not considered viable.