標題: Pablo Barrera Mexico Jersey during the slave trad
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-2 09:20  資料 私人訊息 
Pablo Barrera Mexico Jersey during the slave trad
Ham Jambo. How are you all? This Swahili greeting began the launch of Emancipation 2010 as the African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) outlined the plans for this year’s events. The event began with a welcome song, Kumbayah, by the Colaaco Kids followed by a rousing performance by the girls of the Nzingha Dance Group.2010 will be the 176th anniversary of the end of slavery in Guyana. ACDA’s theme this year is “Our heritage, our strength,Jan Vertonghen Hotspur Jersey UK, our prosperity” with a sub theme of “Celebrating our youth”The organisation observed that Emancipation Day is always important because it allows Guyanese an opportunity to look back into history and find out more about this crime against humanity.Historically, figures show that between 1650 and 1850, during the slave trade,Vincent Janssen Jersey UK, Africa’s population shrunk by five million whereas European population grew by 165 million.As the organisation celebrate the African culture,Patrick van Aanholt Netherland Jersey, they are not only looking at the place from where they came, but as Guyanese, the shared patterns of identity,Lazar Markovic Jersey, symbolic meanings,Josh Williams Jersey, aspirations, and the relationships between individuals and groups within the Guyanese society.There will also be events and programmes that will focus on the relationships between ideas and perspectives, about self-respect and a sense of security as the organisation try to explain to the African Guyanese community how individuals are socialized and values are formed and transmitted.Thursday’s launch featured a cultural programme which was followed by an interactive question and answer session involving the media, and African snacks. The observations continue on July 3 with an Emancipation launch at Bartica and the events will culminate on August 2 with sporting activities in the city. .This year the organisation has chosen to celebrate the country of Ethiopia, which is considered part of the cradle of human civilisation. The African Guyanese village to be celebrated is Vergenoegen on the West Demerara.Various youth leaders in the local community will be honoured in keeping with the theme of celebrating youth.By July 25 the events will speed up with the beginning of a seven-day programme in front of Demico House which will include drumming, singing and storytelling, face painting and other events, a different one each night.The street bazaar will take place on July 28 at Main Street where there will be lots to offer,Benoit Cheyrou Toronto Shirts, with ACDA personnel and other volunteers offering information on just what is taking place and being offered to the public. Competitions in African drumming, African wear, poetry, dancing, food will be taking place throughout the period of celebration at various venues.On Emancipation Eve in the city, the candlelight parade will begin at Demico House and end at the Square of the Revolution for the traditional libation ceremony.Emancipation Day festival on August 1 at the National Park will begin with a sunrise service followed by a drumming competition.There will be two days of celebration at the National Park.ACDA is part of the National Commemoration Committee and is also working with the Ministry of Culture for this year’s national celebration.