標題: Alexandre Pato Jersey the Cabinet Secretary said
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-2 09:19  資料 私人訊息 
Alexandre Pato Jersey the Cabinet Secretary said
Recent bouts of picketing that have erupted in schools since the start of the academic year have found much displeasure with the Government, especially as the exercises have been taking place during classroom sessions.Cabinet SecretaryDr Roger LuncheonThis examination was voiced yesterday by Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon, who noted that the picketing exercises are largely associated with elements of the Opposition, particularly A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).According to the Cabinet Secretary, the actions have erupted as a result of recent decisions by APNU-led elements to invade and disrupt classes in progress. “We do not believe that these are spontaneous events.”Specific reference was to a recent picking action which saw school gates being locked and students “parading” with placards in their hands at a time when classes are supposed to be in session.On Monday,Alex Bono Toronto Jersey, parents and students attending the Parika-Salem Primary School in Region Three staged a protest citing overcrowding and other health threats. Further, the gate at the main entrance of the school was locked, preventing students as well as teachers from gaining entry into the school compound. Students of the Parika-Salem Secondary school, housed in the same compound were reportedly also among those who partook in the action.According to information received, APNU Member of Parliament, Jaipaul Sharma was present during the exercise. It was noted that after Sharma had been excluded from a subsequent meeting with officials of the Regional Education office to discuss the issues, parents ‘walked out’ saying that the APNU member has a legitimate right to be present.“I cannot fathom Second, Third and Fourth Formers and the conscious involvement by Opposition- ANPU led elements- protesting during school hours,Georginio Wijnaldum Jersey,” Dr. Luncheon emphatically expressed.He acknowledged that protests highlighting conditions at schools and other educational facilities have occurred and are expected to continue. However, the recent involvement of students in the actions, he said has never been a feature of school protests.This,Thiago Motta Jersey, the Cabinet Secretary said, Cabinet condemns and finds totally unacceptable. “I was not aware it (protest) was on the curriculum.”The Ministry of Education’s stance on the matter was stated by Chief Education Officer Olato Sam during an invited comment with this newspaper.He said that the while the right to protest is not being contested, the Ministry feels strongly about the inclusion of students in the actions at a time when they should have been meaningfully occupied in studies.Chief Education Officer, Olato Sam“Children should not be used by other individuals, obviously not in the interest of the young people themselves. The time is better spent in the classroom.”Sam said that locking the gates of schools,Eric Bailly Jersey, which seems to become a custom in school protests,Santi Cazorla Jersey, is seen as an act of a violation of the rights of teachers and students. “Locking teachers and students out of the schools cannot be justified”.The Chief Education Officer said that the Ministry has been seeking the help of Police to address such occurrences. He advised that should parents be inclined to bring issues to the fore, the Ministry welcomes their interest,Jesse Lingard Jersey, however, it should be done “within a well structured framework that does not impede what schools are intended to do.”During the protest action at Parika-Salem Primary School on Monday.