標題: Gael Clichy Jersey where nutritional treatment
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-1 16:38  資料 私人訊息 
Gael Clichy Jersey where nutritional treatment
– two years later he is still bedridden Bullyism has been identified as a social phenomenon sweeping the school system, but the experience of the now 14-year-old Bhojpaul Ramjass is one of particular cruelty.In fact, Bhojpaul, of lot 31, Number 54 Village,Lucas Moura Jersey, Corentyne,Nestor Araujo Mexico Jersey, Berbice is so emotionally scarred that at one time he reportedly begged his parents for poison in order to end his suffering.Then 12 years old, Bhojpaul attended Number 56 Primary School. On June 17, 2013 Bhojpaul is reported to have been beaten by four older boys who compelled him to climb a utility pole. Half way up,Jon Flanagan Liverpool Jersey, he tried to retreat but his tormentors forced him back,Kenneth Vermeer Jersey, telling him that if he did not touch the wire,Karim Bellarabi Germany Jersey, he would be beaten even more.This the terrified child did, sustaining burns to 36 per cent of his total body surface area. Even worse, he was reportedly ordered to enter a nearby stream, directions which the traumatized youth obeyed. After going through this ordeal, Ramjass was told by his tormentors to lie about his injuries and instead say that he was burned by a stove.According to his mother, 40 year old Kamini Ramjass, Bhojpaul had been targeted ever since his Uncle gave him a remote control car. He was consistently approached by the children who demanded that he hand it over. He would normally refuse and when he told his mother, he was instructed to give the car back to his Uncle.14-year-old Bhojpaul RamjassThis move angered the boys even more, and they subsequently accosted him while on his way to his Uncle’s residence and committed the act.In the subsequent weeks of his hospital stay he underwent two surgeries during which skin had to be grafted.Discharged in July, his condition deteriorated owing to severe malnutrition. In addition, the wounds to the torso and left upper limb were bleeding. He was promptly re-admitted, where nutritional treatment, multi-vitamin and iron therapy and physiotherapy were optimized.According to Mrs. Ramjass,David de Gea Manchester United Jersey, the matter was reported to the Number 51 Police Station, but after a police rank took statements nothing came out of the matter.In the meantime, the mother is hoping to have her son sent overseas for further corrective surgery, something that was advised by local health officials.Her son is still at home with her, but is reportedly in considerable pain and cannot walk or attend school. While Kamini, who is a mother of four, is expecting to have an audience with the Minister of Health Dr. George Norton next week, she is also asking for public assistance for her child.She can be contacted on 695-4660.