標題: Wayne Rooney Jersey Ralph Ramkarran
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-1 06:30  資料 私人訊息 
Wayne Rooney Jersey Ralph Ramkarran
By Kiana Wilburg“I share in Ramkarran’s view that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has become very intolerant of any criticism to do with corruption and corrupt practices and it is ironic that we were brought up in a generation of fighters in the PPP to believe that corruption in any form was intolerable.”Nagamootoo said that what former Speaker of the National Assembly,Rafinha Jersey, Ralph Ramkarran,Daryl Janmaat Jersey, has said is that in the post-Cheddi Jagan period,Karim Bellarabi Jersey, they had seen corruption still appearing and when they investigated, appropriate actions were taken.“Afterwards the floodgates were opened and the corrupt ones started to gravitate towards each other until they became a force.”The former Government Minister said that he too was attacked for going publically to voice his opinions, particularly in the Jagdeo period because, “ I have leveled accusations against people whom I felt were indulging in corrupt practices.”He added,Zlatan Ibrahimovic Jersey, “I believe that Ramkarran’s comments were just brought to bear post facto (after the fact) a situation that has been festering for a long time.”The Vice Chairman said that there have been various attempts by the government to sweep corruption under the carpet. “That is a tragedy for the people of Guyana. For example,Ashley Young Manchester United Jersey, we read about the situation with a security firm that is associated with the PPP,Kenneth Vermeer Jersey, where they caught operatives of the security firm stealing laptop computers that were meant for poor people.“This is a classic case where a fence was erected to protect the crops but when you wake up in the morning you realize that the fence ate all the mangoes, so what do you do with the fence? You keep it?”Nagamootoo said that what is happening is that too many people that are associated with the PPP now, the post-Jagan PPP that is, are invariably caught in various levels of corrupt practices.To support his comment that those who dare to fight the “corrupt cabal” met with the whippings of the PPP, he recounted just one of his experiences while he was a member of the party.“When I was a Government Minister, I fired a Regional Executive Officer in West Demerara, Region Three, on allegations of corruption. I was later pushed out of the Ministry after a year and the guy was reinstated because he was a party man.“I was literally attacked for my position on corruption”He said that those who spoke about the comprehensiveness of policies of acts of corruption within the party were not only disciplined but sidelined.Nagamootoo said that there was also an abuse of the internal democratic process “where I said in writing to the General Secretary of the party at the time that there were simply Stalinist tactics.”