標題: Samir Nasri Jersey Nicolette Henry
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-1 05:16  資料 私人訊息 
Samir Nasri Jersey Nicolette Henry
Latoya Roberts, the top performing Guyanese graduating student from Trinidad’s Hugh Wooding Law School this year, led a networking exercise supported by other graduates yesterday at the Umana Yana for sixth form students of The Bishops’ High School and Queen’s College.Minister Nicolette Henry (centre) with Latoya Roberts (left of her) flanked on both sides by other law graduates and students from The Bishops’ High School and Queen’s College.The event was organised by the Ministry of Education,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Department of Culture Youth and Sport.Roberts told the students that surviving the Hugh Wooding Law School will be a team effort. She said, “There are no individual heroes, there are no men standing on islands by themselves. If you want to succeed at Hugh Wooding Law School you will need each and every one of your colleagues.”According to Roberts, her personal story may differ from her colleagues since she was not a member of their batch. Roberts graduated from the University of Guyana with her LLB in 2010 but began Hugh Wooding with the 2014 graduating law class of UG.She said each person will face challenges during their time completing the course; whether it is confidence issues,Evan Engram Jersey, a disability or financial problems.She said that pursuing the second leg of their legal qualification at HWLS will not be easy; being in a different country on your own and dealing with insurmountable challenges.Roberts stressed that assisting colleagues while studying will not hamper the chances of the students at succeeding. “You can all graduate with distinctions, you can all graduate with excellent grades,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, you can all excel in your individual space using your individual gifts and talents.”Delivering the feature address was Minister within the Ministry of Education,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, Nicolette Henry, who said that mentorship for the young students is of major importance.She said that it is important for the students to have someone to speak to them about the journey,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, so that they can be aware of what to expect. Henry also congratulated the graduates on their success.“You have made yourself and all Guyana proud.” She told them that their achievement is admirable especially since they did not allow the daunting nature of their courses to prevent them from reaching their goal.She stressed that the young lawyers’ learning process has not come to an end but rather continues into the world of work. She said, “As lawyers you will be required to devote countless hours to pro bono work, to make sure that the wrongly accused are not jailed, that innocent lives are not ruined, that the weak are not preyed upon.“You need to be lawyers who will have to fight daily for fairness, who are intolerant of injustice,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and who live or work with unimpeachable integrity.”At the end of the Minister’s remarks she presented each graduate with a pin marking their achievement. The graduates and soon to be confirmed attorneys-at-law spoke with the students and exchanged contact information so that a helping relationship can be fostered.