標題: Maxi Rodriguez Jersey –
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-31 20:44  資料 私人訊息 
Maxi Rodriguez Jersey –
– defendants give unsworn statementThe defence and the prosecution are expected to deliver there closing arguments today as the murder trial for Jainarine Persaud,Clinton NJie Jersey UK, 42, and Andy Jagmohan, 26,Enzo Perez Argentina Jersey, continued yesterday before Justice Winston Patterson.The two are accused of killing Andy Peters, at Grove, East Bank Demerara,Aleksandar Kolarov Jersey, in January 2008.State prosecutors Rhondell Weever and Teshanna James are presenting the case, while the defendants are represented by attorneys Khemraj Ramjattan and Neil Parsaram.Yesterday, Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh gave his evidence in chief after which the state closed its case.The two defendants were given the option of giving sworn statements, unsworn statements, or to say nothing.They opted to give unsworn statements from the prisoners dock. After the statement was given attorney Ramjattan decided to call a further witness. That witness was Radicka Kawaldatt.She gave the court certain information pertaining to what she saw on the day in question. She was crossed examined by the prosecutors.The matter has been adjourned to today for the final submissions.On Monday, Inspector Lloyd Thomas read the deposition which was given by Peter’s wife.The victim’s wife, Holly Lashley, died before the trial started,Park Joo-Ho Dortmund Shirts, so the prosecution made the application for her deposition to be read into evidence. Thomas was the person who prosecuted the matter before Magistrate Priya Beharry. That evidence was mainly about identifying her husband’s body at the Georgetown Public Hospital Mortuary.Elizabeth Bishop, the dead woman’s mother, was also called to the witness stand. She produced a death certificate which was tendered into evidence.Inspector of Police Elson Baird, spoke about his involvement in the case while he was stationed at the Ruimveldt Police Station.He was crossed examined by attorney at law Khemraj Ramjattan.Last week, the state called Mohamed Ali,Kieran Gibbs Jersey, an “eyewitness”. He was subsequently cross examined by Ramjattan.Police Officer Shizram Nurgyaya was the next witness to testify. He tendered the post mortem examination results to the court. The matter was then adjourned.Prosecutor James in her opening address did not disclose a motive for the killing, but promised to lead witnesses who would show that the killing was deliberate.Police Constable, Jason Kyte, who is stationed at the Grove Police Station, testified that relative to a report of the murder committed on Andy Peters on January 28, 2008,Adam Lallana Jersey, he assisted in the investigations.Civilian witness, David Persaud, testified that on the night of the murder, he was aroused by a noise.Persaud said that he ran outside and saw a man lying on the road in a pool of blood.? The man appeared to be unconscious.He said that he took the injured man to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre.