標題: Efrain Velarde Mexico Jersey Corentyne
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帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-31 11:43  資料 私人訊息 
Efrain Velarde Mexico Jersey Corentyne
Good intelligence work by police in Berbice has led to the arrest of three men whom they believe are responsible for a high profile robbery/murder that occurred at a Mandir at Williamsburg,Cheap Jerseys From China, Corentyne,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, back in January 2013.They are also suspected of being responsible for a number of other misdemeanors in the area.Murdered security guard Jagdat RamcharranThe police had initially held three men for the burglary of a Digicel\Cell Smart outlet at Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, on Thursday during which they had carted off a number of cellular phones, SIM cards and cash from the premises.The men were held later in the day and found in possession of the stolen items. They had apparently sustained injuries during the break-in as blood was found in the building. They allegedly used a saw to cut open the padlock from the door before smashing a glass door to enter the building during which time they were apparently injured. A cutlass was also left on the counter.During the interrogation the police were able to get the men to talk about other misdemeanors that they committed over a period of time.Two of the men eventually admitted to being involved in the murder of the?security guard Jagdat Ramcharran,Wholesale Jerseys, called “Ronald”, 61, a father of two of Bloomfield, whose body was found bound and gag at the Iskcon Hari Krishna Mandir at Block 6 Williamsburg, Corentyne, Berbice on January 6.The men then named others who were part of the gang that raided the Mandir on the fateful night. Another culprit was nabbed as he was passing in the vicinity of the station quite oblivious to what was going on.The men are in custody as police hunt the others. Investigations are continuing. The men are said to be from the Port Mourant area.According to information,Nike NFL Jerseys China, on the day in question about 03:00 hrs a worshipper who would visit the temple early morning to worship, arrived for his usual devotion. Upon arriving he would usually be greeted by the watchman who would open the gate.But when the man arrived no one came to greet him and the gate was locked.? After making several calls and getting no response,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, he scaled the fence and to his horror,Wholesale Jerseys Group, he noticed the watchman lying on the ground with his hands and feet bound and the place ransacked. Ramcharran’s face was swollen.A bell, a pair of gold-coloured slippers and a tape recorder were missing and the Altar was in a mess. The thieves had entered the premises by cutting and wrenching open a grill window. They had also wrenched the door to the altar.