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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-31 09:40  資料 私人訊息 
Antonio Valencia Manchester Jersey 00 hrs
The body of 21-year-old Clifton Bonus, of Silvertown and Nottinghamshire, Linden,Jonathan Osorio Jersey, was yesterday afternoon interred at the Christianburg cemetery, following a poignant funeral service at the Fruits of Calvary church on Burnham Drive, Wismar.His mother Karen Lashley was inconsolable, and had to be restrained by her father, who held her tightly as she cried heartbreakingly. After all her energy was spent,Lionel Messi Barcelona Jersey, Lashley sat slumped on the floor of the church, while relatives fanned her and otherwise tried valiantly to comfort her.The Church was packed to capacity, while many stood in the streets waiting to get a glimpse of the funeral procession.There was hardly a dry eye in the church, as Karen Lashley cried for her only child,Nicolas Otamendi Jersey, who was last Friday executed,Bastian Schweinsteiger Jersey, reportedly by his brother- in-law.His reputed wife, and the mother of his four-month-old son, with whom he was living at Nottinghamshire at the time of his murder, was absent.The relatives indicated that the suspect’s family had offered to take care of the funeral expenses.Bonus’s family reportedly spent in excess of half a million dollars, for his funeral package, including embalming his body, which was in an advance state of decomposition.The mother of his first child, five-year-old Clifton Jr., was very much present with her son, and both mother and son cried disconsolately as Bonus’ casket was brought out of the church, after the funeral service.A woman with tears welling in her eyes whispered,Netherlands Jersey, “There’ll be no Father’s Day for this child”.Bonus had been missing since last Friday, but it was only last week Sunday relatives received a phone call saying that he had been killed.Searches were subsequently conducted by both the relatives and police, with the help of an eyewitness. The eyewitness is reported to have told police that Bonus and his assailant had an argument over stolen ganja seeds last Friday. The argument escalated to the point where the man is said to have shot Bonus in the chest.The eyewitness, who was washing dishes at the time, was threatened by the assailant to leave the area, sources told Kaieteur News.? However, the eyewitness, on Sunday, decided to tell police what he saw.The grueling searches came to an abrupt end sometime before 17:00 hrs, on Wednesday after Bonus’s grotesquely swollen and muddied body was discovered in a shallow grave.Bonus’s relatives have vowed to see the suspect feel the full force of the law. However, the man has been on the run ever since the incident.Karen Lashley,Eriq Zavaleta Toronto Jersey, the slain man’s mother, reportedly last saw her only son two Mondays ago. He had lived with her at Silvertown, until he moved out and went to live with the mother of his child at Nottinghamshire. The mother of his child is said to be his killer’s sister.He reportedly worked with the suspect.Clifton Bonus Jr. cries heartbreakingly outside the church Yesterday was the second consecutive Sunday that an executed Lindener was buried.Last week Sunday, the body of executed taxi driver Texwayne Duncan was interred at the Bamia cemetery. Like Bonus’s killer, Duncan’s killer is yet to be apprehended by police. Bonus’s grandmother Brenda Sampson, said she had attended Duncan’s funeral and later that day spoke with her son who resides overseas. “He told me that he had heard of a similar case involving another person; little did I know it was my own grandson Clifton!” the woman said tearfully.