標題: Sergio Aguero Jersey One may think being in prison
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註冊 2017-5-25
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-31 07:05  資料 私人訊息 
Sergio Aguero Jersey One may think being in prison
One may think being in prison,Cheap NFL Jerseys, persons may sit to reflect on their transgressions and try to curb their ways.However, for remanded prisoner Mark Fordyce, getting into trouble with the law is something he seems unable to avoid.Yesterday Fordyce made an appearance before Magistrate Priya Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, where two charges were read to him.Fordyce was charged with indecent assault and indecent exposure. It is alleged that on Thursday,Wholesale China Jerseys, August 15,Chile Jersey, he assaulted a female.To that charge the accused pleaded not guilty. It is also alleged that on the same day he exposed his private part in a public place. He also pleaded not guilty to that charge.The accused is a remanded prisoner with other serious matters before the court. Bail was denied for both charges.Fordyce is expected to make his next court appearance on September 19. In court yesterday,Jerseys From China, too, was a 25-year-old man who was remanded to prison after being charged with carnal knowledge. The accused, Dexter Mc Kenzie,Cheap NFL Jerseys, of West Ruimveldt,Throwback Jerseys, also appeared before Magistrate Priya Beharry.It is alleged that sometime between January 1 and August 18 of this year he had carnal knowledge of a girl who is below the age of consent.The charge is indictable and the accused was not required to plea.Bail was refused and Mc Kenzie is expected to make his next court appearance on August 27.