標題: Pedro Chirivella Jersey Lodge
Rank: 4

UID 639
精華 0
積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-30 19:18  資料 私人訊息 
Pedro Chirivella Jersey Lodge
By Abena Rockcliffe-Campbell The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) is moving to bring back something that has been absent for quite some time in the City – Zoning.CH&PA Chairman, Hamilton GreenZoning describes the control of the use of land, and of the buildings thereon. In many countries, areas of land are divided by appropriate authorities into zones within which various uses are permitted. Zoning is almost non-existent in Guyana. However, CH&PA is looking to change that.Chairman of the Board of Directors at CH&PA,Stefan de Vrij Jersey, Hamilton Green, told Kaieteur News that the Board has an interest in correcting many of the wrongs within its authority.He said that zoning is an important aspect of the Board’s responsibilities. Green admitted that zoning has been significantly violated especially in the City. The Chairman also admitted that zoning attracts different views at the level of the Board and at the political level.While Green did not expound on the differing views,Andreas Pereira Jersey, it was inferred that the Board has the will to bring things in order.The former Mayor said that the society continues to evolve and it is imperative that zoning be addressed in the midst of the evolution.In this regard, Green pointed to government’s charge to build communities and said that the Board will be looking intently at the principles of building communities. It will take zoning into serious consideration in doing so.Green said that over the last few months the Board has rejected a large number of applications.There are applicants who are looking to open rum shops and similar facilities close to schools, temples, mosques, churches, mandirs and Kingdom Halls.“Every meeting we have to be rejecting applications like these. It is ridiculous; people have little regards for certain principles these days,” said Green.Green then made mention of a school that is being built in Durban Street, Lodge; the Board Chairman said that he finds it appalling that the owners have decided to erect a school and do not provide facility for parking or recreation for the children, “nothing of the sort has been catered for.”The Chairman gave the impression that the owners of this school will be stopped short in their tracks, “We are looking into it.”Green also pointed to a growing phenomenon where persons are converting their homes into schools without even taking fundamental measures. The Chairman said that a lot needs to be done, but the Board has to devise strategic actions to address those who would have already spent millions to erect their buildings and may have thriving businesses at unlawful locations.“We are working on it. Some measures are being taken, but more needs to be done,Kevin Volland Germany Jersey,” said Green.The efforts of CH&PA will be complemented by the Mayor and City Council. City Council is currently in the process of establishing a National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) which will be mandated to pronounce on several issues relative to urban development.One of the issues which the Commission will look into is the strict enforcement of building codes in the city. The idea to establish such a Commission was suggested to the Council by President David Granger during an address to the M&CC last June.In a recent letter published in this newspaper, Senior Counsel Rex McKay called for the Commissioners of the NCPC to possess a copy of the Georgetown Building By-Laws.McKay raised the issue that there are commercial buildings in areas prohibited for such activity under the by-laws. He specifically pointed out the area east of Oronoque Street which is bounded on the west by Oronoque Street, on the east by Irving Street, on the north by Lamaha Street and on the south by Church Street which includes from West to East Oronoque, New Garden, Peter Rose and Irving Streets; from North to South – Lamaha,Mario Balotelli Jersey, Anira, Laluni,Adnan Januzaj Manchester United Jersey, Crown, Lance Gibbs, Forshaw and Church Streets.According to the legal luminary, the 55 companies carrying on trade or business within the restricted area (East of Oronoque Street) are in defiance of the by-laws. The effect of the law is that no building used for any manufacturing,Tim Krul Netherland Jersey, trade or business shall be erected or built on any lot in that area nor shall any building be used for such purposes.McKay attributes