標題: Anthony Martial Jersey Peter Hugh
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 18:37  資料 私人訊息 
Anthony Martial Jersey Peter Hugh
The prosecution yesterday put death row inmate,Paul Aguilar Jersey, Derrick Callender, on the witness stand to testify against Gary Moses,Zlatan Ibrahimovic Manchester Jersey, for whom a retrial was ordered by the Appellate Court.??Callender and Moses were tried separately on indictments which accused them of killing Leila Barrow between July 23 and July 24, 1993.In his testimony yesterday,Sam Johnstone Manchester United Jersey, Callender said that he and Moses broke into Barrow’s home to rob the place.He added that he had no intention of killing anyone. According to Callender, while he was searching the place, Moses tied Barrow’s hands and feet,Fernando Gago Argentina Jersey, raped and killed her.Callender contended that he is innocent of the crime he is accused of and that it was Moses who killed the woman. He also read a letter that he had written in 1999 to the then Minister of Home Affairs Ronald Gajraj declaring his innocence and stating in chronological order the events that unfolded on the night he and Moses broke into Barrow’s home.He told the court that he did not tell the truth before 1999 when he wrote the letter because he was afraid for the safety of his family since Gary Moses had escaped from custody and was still at large.Callender said that he wanted to testify in this case because he felt that he was carrying Moses’s burden for too long and needed the world to know the truth.Under cross-examination by defence attorney, Peter Hugh,Nuri Sahin Dortmund Jersey, Callender said that he was charged jointly with his brother Vibert Callender for Barrow’s murder.He added that his brother was freed and he was convicted by a High Court jury for the murder.According to Callender, he then appealed that verdict but his appeal was dismissed in 1999.He also stated that he wrote the letter to the former Home Affairs Minister after his appeal was dismissed.Callender said that at the time when he gave his initial statement to the police, Gary Moses was in custody.The matter was adjourned for today for continuation of cross-examination.The Appeal Court set aside the death sentence imposed on Moses and ordered him to stand a retrial which commenced on Monday.Moses is on trial for the murder of 53-year-old Leila Barrow, at her David Street, Kitty,Tim Krul Netherlands Jersey, home.The matter is being presided over by Justice Dawn Gregory-Barnes. The prosecutor is State Counsel Sonia Joseph.