標題: Jose Corona Mexico Jersey dem two scamps
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 14:05  資料 私人訊息 
Jose Corona Mexico Jersey dem two scamps
There is an old question. “What happens if a politician drowns in a? river?”? That is pollution.“What happens if all of dem drown?” That is solution fuh de people.Dem boys use to think that wholesale thiefing was only among dem Bees and Jagdeo other friends. Dem soon find out that corruption deh in every corner of de society,Joe Hart Manchester City Jersey, from top to bottom. It deh in every single form people can think about.Remember when Jagdeo and Ashni, dem two scamps,Kevin Stewart Jersey, spend over $100M to buy de accounting programme and didn’t install de most important sections.Dem sections use to record de money how dem use to spend it. Dem mek sure that nobody know wha dem do wid de money from de Treasury. That extent of dishonesty,Miguel Ponce Mexico Jersey, dem boys now finding out that it filter into every government institution,Lucas Biglia Jersey, corporation and agency.GEA report only come out yesterday and Sharma look like he was tekking training from Jagdeo,Jack Wilshere Jersey, Ashni and Brassington. And is not dem boys saying suh. Read de report on GEA.Sharma is de head fuh de GEA. He knock off 30 people who he seh fail de lie detector test but he didn’t tek one.De report seh he right hand man fail de test and he didn’t send home that one. This man use to sell de fuel marker and Sharma does tun a blind eye on dem boats that does smuggle fuel.De auditors seh knock him off but dem boys seh he should go wid Jagdeo and de posse to Lot 12.Dem boys seh Guyana is now learning a lot more of what went on under Jagdeo and Donald Dumb. Dem remember Babbie get Sanata Complex and other concessions. Before de ink dry on de application Jagdeo did done sign over de complex wid concessions.Now dem boys end up seeing another contract to another of Jagdeo boys—Kowlessar. This contract mirror de Sanata Complex.However people spell Kowlessar name that is what he signing to. Anybody who sign wid ee name spell differently got to be a thief or a crook or both all two.Happy Phagwah to all de decent,Philippe Coutinho Brazil Jersey, law abiding and non thiefing Guyanese.Talk half and enjoy de day.