標題: Ragnar Klavan Liverpool Jersey Shamiroon Abrahim
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 11:27  資料 私人訊息 
Ragnar Klavan Liverpool Jersey Shamiroon Abrahim
A 26- year- old joiner of Lot 4 Campbell Street, Hampshire on the Corentyne, was found hanging in hisBryan 'Keeshan' Singhcell at the Rose Hall Town Police Outpost lock- ups around 15:30 hrs yesterday.The discovery was made by police at the outpost. Bryan ‘Keeshan’ Singh, father of one, was arrested by Rose Hall Town Police around 11:30 hrs in the town after a report was made by members of the Town Council that Singh had stolen a bicycle from a teenager in the area. According to a police press release,Sebastian Rode Dortmund Shirts, “He was found in possession of the bicycle and was handed over to the police at the Rose Hall Police Outpost where he was taken into custody.During a visit to the lock-ups by the police at 15:30hrs; Ryan Singh, who was the only prisoner, was found hanging from the inner grilled ceiling by his jersey, which he had stripped into pieces, joined together and tied around his neck”. The report added that he was pronounced dead on arrival at the Port Mourant Hospital.According to the man’s aunt, Vedicka Punsammy, she was informed by police around 17:30 hrs that Singh was dead. “The police say he thief a cycle this morning and them carry he and lock he up.”She added that when the police checked later on Singh,Mens Zlatan Ibrahimovic Manchester United Jersey, he was discovered dead.The man’s mother, Vidyawattie Singh,Neymar Jersey, said that she was told he had hanged himself, “but me ain’t go because the police came and give me the message at my workplace that he wanted me at the outpost at four-thirty.? The body is at the Ramoo’s Funeral Home at Williamsburg.He leaves to mourn a daughter, Ashley.Meanwhile, Hoolas ‘Dutchee’ Singh,Nicolas Otamendi Jersey, 52, of Lot 54 Sand Reef,Andrea Poli Jersey, Albion,Henrikh Mkhitaryan Jersey, Corentyne was found by his daughter hanging by a piece of rope in a room downstairs at his home.According to his wife, Shamiroon Abrahim, she left with her husband at around 06:00 hrs, to go to the New Amsterdam Hospital where their daughter was hospitalized.“Me and he then came home and me left he on the hammock to drink tea (around 08:00 hrs) and me tell he that I called the weeder to weed the yard and I asked him to rake the yard and he told me that he will assist with cleaning the yard”, she stated.She then received a call around 14:30 hrs at her workplace at Kris Jagdeo Contracting on the Corentyne, “that he hang himself…no problem, me and he ain’t got no problem”.The man’s wife said her husband acted very normal and that there were no signs of any worries or troubles from her husband. “Me leave he on the hammock drinking tea and he offered me to drop me off at work since I was late and I told him ‘no’ that he has to help the girl rake the yard”. She said he was a loving husband and they were married for 22 years.The body is at the Ramoo’s Funeral Home at Williamsburg.The former porter of R&S Shopping Complex at Belvedere leaves to mourn three children: Nareema, 20; Natasha 18; Naleesa 15 and 2- year- old Grandson Tyrone.