標題: Gustavo Gomez Jersey Claudette Singh CCH
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-29 10:12  資料 私人訊息 
Gustavo Gomez Jersey Claudette Singh CCH
– visits shooting scene By Latoya GilesUnited Kingdom firearm expert,Clement Simonin Toronto Shirts, Dr. Mark Robinson, has arrived in Guyana and has examined the scene of the shooting in Linden. Dr. Robinson was brought to Guyana by the Alliance for Change to observe ballistics tests on fragments and bullets recovered from the Linden shooting and to conduct his own independent tests.Victim Janice Burgan with British expert Dr. Mark Robinson, yesterday at the scene.Nigel Hughes, an attorney, who is watching over the interest of the relatives of Shemroy Bouyea,Jason Denayer Manchester City Jersey, Allan Lewis and Ron Somerset, yesterday disclosed that the expert is in Guyana. Hughes had written to acting Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell requesting that Robinson be facilitated.According to Hughes the expert along with the relatives of four of the victims, including Janice Burgan,Memphis Depay Jersey, was present yesterday. Robinson is expected to give his testimony this week. The commission is expected to continue on Monday, after a one-week break.The commissioners are Lensley Wolfe O.J., who is the Chairman; Mr. K.D. Knight S.C; Ms. Dana Seetahal S.C, and former Guyana Court of Appeal Judge,Tyler Blackett Manchester United Jersey, Claudette Singh CCH; and Cecil Kennard CCH.Commission Chairman,Custom Arsenal Jersey, former Jamaican Chief Justice Lensley Wolfe, has said that the Commission’s findings will be based solely on the evidence presented to it on oath or affirmation by witnesses.Some $80M has been budgeted for the exercise which arose out of the killing of Shemroy Bouyea, Allan Lewis and Ron Somerset when protestors clashed with the police at Linden.The deaths stretched the protest for a month,Andre Wisdom Jersey, as Lindeners pressed for a full investigation and opposition parties called for an international inquiry. On August 21, Government and the Opposition finally signed an agreement paving the way for the beginning of a Commission of Inquiry into the unrest. The signing also saw the mining town returning to normalcy.UK expert Dr. Mark Robinson examining the scene