標題: Ricardo Oliveira Jersey L
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 02:32  資料 私人訊息 
Ricardo Oliveira Jersey L
The fate of Gocool Boodoo, who formerly held the position of Chief Elections Officer of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), continues to hang in the balance as a statutory meeting of the entity’s board last week Tuesday did not yield a definitive decision.This newspaper was informed by an official close to the entity that “nothing happened; no decision was made as yet.”Boodoo, whose contract this publication understands has expired,Flashback: Chief Elections Officer Mr Gocool Boodoo (L) and GECOM’s Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally engaged in a conversation following the announcement of the 2011 Final Election Results.had at the Commission’s statutory meeting of March 12, 2013, requested that the Commissioners who make up the board renew his contract.? This publication was informed, too,Mario Gotze Dortmund Jersey, that the Commissioners have quite a task on their hands as there are reports that “there seems to be several issues related to his (Boodoo’s) past performance.”At the moment the position of CEO is being filled by Deputy Chief Elections Officer,Antonio Valencia Manchester Jersey, Calvin Benn.? There were however earlier reports that some at the Commission were not in favour of Benn acting in that capacity. An official, commenting on the acting appointment of Benn, insisted that “it is merely acting as if the CEO was on leave.”Following disclosures that Benn was identified to temporarily fill the void this publication had sought a comment from him. “I do not know what decisions were arrived at…I do not attend statutory meetings,Pablo Zabaleta Manchester City Jersey,” he said.This publication had also learnt that there have even been reports of indiscretion within the entity by a named senior official which could affect the decision of the Commission which is headed by Chairman, Dr Steve Surujbally.Dr Surujbally has been successful in eluding this publication’s attempt to solicit a comment on the state of affairs. A call placed to the office of the Chairman yesterday was answered by his secretary who informed that the Chairman was on another call. She however disconnected the call and during a subsequent call informed that the Chairman had left the office.Along with gaining the attention of Dr Surujbally the matter is being reviewed by six commissioners among them Attorney-at-law Sandra Jones,Hervin Ongenda Jersey, who filled the void that was left when opposition-member Robert Williams died, Mr Vincent Alexander and Mr Charles Corbin. The latter named three represent the parliamentary opposition.? Attorney-at-law Jaya Manickchand, Dr Kishav ‘Bud’ Mangal and Mr Mahmood Shaw are representing the ruling party in the Commission.There are reports that Boodoo’s return to the position of CEO has not received a nod from either side as both sides are working as a team to review his performance. This publication understands that a thorough process has been engaged by the Commissioners, who are said to be tight-lipped on the state of affairs.Reports are that at the recent meeting a decision was made to have Boodoo’s past performances as CEO be evaluated at length. In fact there are reports that the Commissioners are looking to formulate an instrument with which to undertake their evaluation.There are reports, too, that the Chairman is in favour of having the CEO position advertised in the Caribbean,Phil Jones Manchester United Jersey, a suggestion that was reportedly dashed by the Commissioners representing the parliamentary opposition. This publication was reliably informed that based on deliberations at a previous meeting not all were receptive of suggestions that were made which reportedly included having the Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Mr Keith Lowenfield,Damien Perquis Toronto Jersey, being elevated to the position of Deputy Chief Elections Officer.Another suggestion, this publication was informed, was a proposal reportedly from the Chairman himself to defy electoral management by recommending that the entity’s Public Relations Officer act in the DCEO capacity.