標題: Daley Blind Manchester United Jersey Azad Hoosein
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-28 22:11  資料 私人訊息 
Daley Blind Manchester United Jersey Azad Hoosein
rof Samad misses convocationSome 180 students graduated from various fields over the weekend at the University of Guyana Berbice Campus (UGBC) at Port Mourant, Corentyne. The new graduates were conferred with their Certificates, Diplomas, Associate Degrees and Degrees. In the Natural Sciences Faculty,David Silva Jersey, 30 students graduated; Social Sciences Faculty, 58; and Education and Humanities, 73.Guyanese cricket legend, Clive Lloyd, delivered the feature address at the ceremony. He talked about what a good leader is and does. His address was filled with encouragement and examined life with a more positive attitude. He noted that leaders are expected to empower others, “and that elders do not create followers; they create more leaders”. He noted, too, that “whatever roads lead you down; you can change directions anytime. Map out your future,Mario Gomez Jersey, but do it intensely”. He reminded the convocation about Steve Jobs “who wandered many times before finding his calling”.From left, Dean of Health Sciences, Dr E. Cummings; Pro Chancellor, Dr Prem Misir; Bursar, Mr John Seeram; Acting UGBC Director, Mr P. Da Silva and Registrar, Mr Vincent Alexander. In background is Dr Paloma Mohamed.Mr Lloyd also urged the graduates to know their goals and to stay focused.“Courageous leaders experience as much fear as others.” He urged them not to give up because of those fears.“Say ‘yes’ more often to new challenges; you never know where they may lead…Assume responsibility, take ownership of what happens to you and how you respond to it.”“Steve Jobs,Wesley Sneijder Jersey, Mark Zukerberg, Bob Gates all agreed on one thing: persistence flies to the heart of success and never give up.”Muniram Purnwasi, the Valedictorian, received the Highest Grade Point Average. He was awarded with the Republic Bank award for Best Graduating Student. A school teacher by profession,Chelsea Jersey, he completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics.Shinella Avis Gamble was the Second Best Graduating Student and received the Scotia Bank Award. Also receiving prizes and awards were Yulette Moretta Park, Moira Thomas, Seema Singh, Azad Hoosein, Dascia Johnson, Jennifer Freso, Rehanna Sammy, Pamela Mootoo, Sarah Khemraj, Chandradeo Ghansham,Alexis Sanchez Jersey, Janelle Williams, Treshan Budhram, Maorai Sawh, Desmond Kursattie,Eric Bailly Jersey, Tejwattie Singh, Michelle Amsterdam, Pulmattie Rabinchand and Dave Sarran.