標題: Sergio Aguero Manchester City Jersey GECOM
Rank: 4

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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-28 22:10  資料 私人訊息 
Sergio Aguero Manchester City Jersey GECOM
People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary, Donald Ramotar,Jonathan Osorio Toronto Shirts, says that his party is not ruling out the possibility of a collaborative front with the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) in an approach to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to resolve what both parties called GECOM’s slothfulness in preparing the National Voters Registration Database.Prior to the commencement of the National House to House Registration exercise, GECOM stated that it projected a target of 591,Matthias Ginter Jersey,297 persons who would be eligible to be registered and that the exercise would have been completed by June 15.To date only 67 per cent of the total registrations have been completed, after 147 days or 77.7 per cent of the allotted time.There are still 191,529 persons to be registered with four days remaining.“GECOM must now explain these low levels of field registrations, particularly since the levels seem to affect some Regions much more than others,” said RamotarGECOM on May 21, last,Jesus Navas Jersey, provided media operatives with a first hand look at the registration process where its Registration Manager, Beverley Critchlow, said that any hindrances in the process would be in the field as the GECOM office was moving as “fast as possible…I am confident that we will complete in the specified time.” According to Ms Critchlow,Fernando Gago Jersey, some 3,500 transactions were processed each day and the entity had upped its staffing by an additional 50 members with another shift added, hence the number of registrants processed would have increased by 1,750.GECOM is currently working round the clock.According to GECOM’s public relations officer, Vishnu Persaud, the tour was directly linked to recent media publications alleging that the editing and encoding aspects of the House-to-House Registration process is progressing at an unsatisfactory pace and cannot be concluded as planned.Mr Persaud had also emphasised that “any delay in the editing of registration transactions of the registration process would be linked to the multi-tiered quality control measures that are being used to ensure that all of the pertinent details of applicants for registration are accurately documented.”Ramotar also took a swipe at the main opposition party saying that, “Some politicians are enjoying this situation created by GECOM given that scrutineers are being paid so the opportunity to divert cash to the Party can be facilitated.”One the claims is that even with the voters’ list,Santi Cazorla Jersey, the Local Government Elections could not be held given that the necessary legislation was not in place. Ramotar said that the two could not be linked.“These are two separate issues…They are not dependent on each other…To hold an election you have to have a voters’ list,Hendrik Bonmann Dortmund Jersey, in the first instance…The point I am making is that you can’t use the excuse that you don’t have the legislation as yet as reasons for not getting the work of the elections commission in place.”