標題: Per Mertesacker Jersey happy to hear
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-28 19:18  資料 私人訊息 
Per Mertesacker Jersey happy to hear
De fattest people in de party is Donald and Sam. That is because dem like eat and eat anything. Donald and Sam nearly fall out Friday because Donald didn’t want carry Sam to de GDF Christmas lunch.Sam mek so much noise that Donald had no choice but to tell he come along. Check de picture. He deh foot to foot behind Donald. He de Sam seh that Donald alone can’t eat all de food wha de army does cook.Donald sit down and eat two plate after he share de food. Sam eat before de sharing, during de sharing and after de sharing. Dem boys seh that is de only thing Sam Blinds learn from de fat crook,Raul Jimenez Jersey, Brazzy.He belly like a pinto and he can never see he toe much less see de Creatah fuh all dem thing he and Jagdeo and Rob de Earth and Irfaat do to de people of this country.Some of dem like dem deeds ketch up wid dem. Dem boys happy to see,Thibaut Courtois Jersey, happy to hear,Damien Perquis Toronto Jersey, happy to learn,Javier Pastore Argentina Jersey, happy to know. In short,Fernandinho Jersey, dem boys happy because some of dem losing weight like if dem get AIDS or cancer. But it is none of de two; is dem deeds ketching up wid dem.Dem boys plan to give dem and dem family a lovely Christmas, a Christmas that dem would never forget.Dem boys gun give dem aspirin and painkillers fuh dem sleepless night. Some of dem gun get Cialis and some Viagra fuh de half dead objects dem does walk round wid.Some gun get Mouth R because dem can’t do nutten more than use dem mouth fuh things other than eating food and drinking likker.De truth is that dem boys want give all of dem except Donald and Sam,Sergio Romero Argentina Jersey, de same expired drugs wha Bobby bringing in and giving de nation. That gun be a dose of dem own expired medicine.But dem boys got something something special fuh Bobby and you know who? He buddy. Christmas coming.Talk half and keep Bobby and he buddy gift fuh laytah.