標題: Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys locked the door
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-28 11:18  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys locked the door
-Teen stabbed after retaliating Ashraf Ahamad,Pedro Jersey, 17, was beaten and stabbed on Sunday night last,Sven Bender Dortmund Jersey, during a robbery at a McDoom, East Bank Demerara Chinese restaurant. The incident occurred at around 20:00hrs.While he was not the only person in the restaurant to be robbed, Ahamad was the only one who attempted to retaliate, and was stabbed as a result.According to eyewitnesses,Victor Valdes Jersey, the restaurant owner was behind the counter and tending to about three sets of customers when there was a power outage, and about 10 men who were standing on the road in front of the eatery, barged in and began robbing the five or six customers.The fearful restaurant owner grabbed his son,Marco Fabian Mexico Jersey, locked the door, and hid,Hendrik Bonmann Dortmund Jersey, while the customers were being robbed. A few were beaten, and those who easily gave the robbers their belongings were spared.However, Ahamad said that he had his week’s earnings in his bag pack, and was not prepared to let the men have it freely.An eyewitness told this newspaper that as Ahamad was putting up a fight with two of the men,Douglas Jersey, about four others pounced on him and started punching him about the body. He added that soon after the men left, persons started “shining their phone light” on Ahamad, who was lying on the ground with blood streaming from his abdomen and head.He was stabbed once to the lower left side abdomen, and hit in the head with a bottle.A few persons who saw as the attackers escaped recognized at least one of them. The matter was reported to the Ruimveldt Police Station.Ahamad was discharged yesterday afternoon in a stable condition.“Incidents like these just getting out of hand. It is totally unfair and unacceptable that these people can just go around and casually rob, and even kill people for their own things. It getting too common and authorities need to put their foot down,” the teen’s mother said.There has been a spate of armed robberies during the last week.