標題: Simon Mignolet Liverpool Jersey Joy-Marie King
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-28 08:01  資料 私人訊息 
Simon Mignolet Liverpool Jersey Joy-Marie King
Antigua and Barbuda has been given a 20-month waiver to import brown sugar outside of its main supplier, Guyana, in a move aimed at ending the current shortage.This means that the commodity would not attract the Common External Tariff (CET) that is normally applied on such items imported from outside the region,Nike NFL Jerseys China, a report from the Antigua Observer newspaper said yesterday.At the just-concluded 34th Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) in Guyana,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Antigua and Barbuda was given the green light to import 1500 metric tons of the commodity starting this month and ending December 2013.The report said that the sugar shortage was caused by extensive rains in Guyana in January, followed by industrial action the following month.Guyana, which supported Antigua and Barbuda’s waiver request,NFL Jerseys Outlet, said that the state-owned Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo) was forced to review its production and supply outlook for the remainder of 2012 as a result of the rains and strikes.Based on GuySuCo’s projections, Guyana would only be able to guarantee its quota to Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname for which it has three-year contracts.A number of other OECS member states were granted waivers in different quantities after they made representation in the wake of a request by Minister of State within the Ministry of Legal Affairs, Senator Joanne Massiah, who asked that the issue of “supply of brown sugar” be placed on the agenda of the COTED meeting.“We are happy that Guyana was responsive to our request for an update on the industry,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping,” Trade Co-ordinator Ambassador, Dr. Clarence Henry said.“That is how the rules related to requests for the grant of waivers/suspensions were meant to work. When regional producers are unable to supply a commodity,Wholesale Jerseys China, they should say so rather than adopt stalling tactics. I compliment GuySuCo for being transparent and immediately agreeing to our request for the suspension of the CET, which means that the way is clear for us to import brown sugar from extra-Caricom sources to satisfy our demands,” Dr Henry added.He, along with Research Officer within the Division of Industry and Commerce, Joy-Marie King, accompanied Senator Massiah to the COTED meeting.According to reports, the sugar shortage that was reported around two weeks ago resulted in rationing by some supermarkets.Guyana, on Tuesday,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, announced a major overhaul plan to bring the US$200M Skeldon factory into full operation by next year. Despite being handed over to government two years ago, the factory has failed to make production targets.GuySuCo has been targeting the CARICOM States as a crucial market for its packaged sugar, a premium product.