標題: Serge Aurier Jersey the burdens borne were great
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-28 03:48  資料 私人訊息 
Serge Aurier Jersey the burdens borne were great
Alliance For ChangeAs Guyanese engage in Emancipation observances this year, the Alliance For Change (AFC) urges all Guyanese to reflect on the true state of our freedom.The AFC notes that this year the observances fall at a time when Linden is caught up in the throes of mourning for three of their sons, whose lives were snuffed out as the people of Linden demonstrated in a manner synonymous with the rights of free men.In no democratic society where freedom truly exists would men and women be prevented from exercising and enjoying basic human rights. The respect for and guarantee of human rights is the hallmark of a truly free society. When people have their rights taken away, then they can no longer claim to be free.In this context, the AFC urges all Guyanese regardless of their race, colour, religion or political affiliation to use this Emancipation Day to stand together as free men and women; send a strong message that the struggles of our foreparents that led to their triumphant victory over bondage will not be trampled upon; and our freedom will not be taken from us – not through bullyism, tyranny or subterfuge.The deprivation of the human rights of any one group of our people must be the concern of all of us. In as much as our ancestors stood together against colonial bondage and oppression, so too must we stand together as One People as we remind ourselves of our proud legacy eternalised in the words of our National Anthem:Green land of Guyana,Sami Khedira Germany Jersey, our heroes of yore,Both bondsmen and free, laid their bones on your shore.This soil so they hallowed, and from them are we,All sons of one Mother, Guyana the free.Great land of Guyana, diverse though our strains,We’re born of their sacrifice, heirs of their pains,And ours is the glory their eyes did not see,One land of six peoples, united and free.—–eople’s Progressive PartyOn the occasion of Emancipation Day 2012, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) salutes Guyanese of African descent in particular and all Guyanese in general. This year 2012 is the 174th anniversary of the Emancipation of African slaves in British Guiana and the PPP takes great pride in celebrating the anniversary.Throughout these 174 years, citizens of African descent have made remarkable and significant progress in all areas of national development and social achievement. What they achieved to date would have made their ancestors proud with the achievements discernible from those days.? It would have been like an impossible dream to those who were oppressed by slavery and exploitation.Today, our African Guyanese population continues to make invaluable contributions to the progress of our country.? This is now being done in the atmosphere of freedom and democracy.The PPP-Civic is also proud that among the nations of the world, Guyana stands out as a shining example of how a democratic and multi-ethnic society with varying cultural backgrounds can unify to accelerate social and economic development and provide an improvement in living standards.In any society, there will always be challenges to overcome. What has made us so successful thus far is our ability to rise above all obstacles and work together in the best interest of our nation.Within this context, the PPP is confident that the problems now confronting us in Region 10 will be amicably resolved. The Party once again expresses deep regret over the fatalities that occurred in the police operation to maintain law and order in the region and the township of Linden.The PPP also joins with sober minded persons in warning about the “wild men” in that Region who are apparently bent on sowing seeds of dissension and division. Lindeners are urged to resist these “wild men” and to refrain from destroying what they have worked so hard over the past years to build.Let August 1, 2012 be seen as a day of assessment by all Guyanese to not only measure our successes, but to re-affirm our commitment to working together for the overall benefit of our country.—-Working People’s AllianceThe Working People’s Alliance (WPA) salutes the people of Guyana, particularly the African Guyanese community, on the occasion of the 174th anniversary of the abolition of chattel slavery. This year’s observances are overshadowed by the shooting of unarmed protestors in Linden by the police. It is a vivid reminder that almost 18 decades since emancipation, the children of the formerly enslaved continue to face some of the very challenges their ancestors sought to eradicate. The anti-people nature of the state persists to this day.It is, therefore, fitting that this year’s observances be dedicated to the Linden Martyrs, who were injured on July 18 and the people of Linden. WPA commends the people of Linden and the wider African Guyanese community for rejecting attempts by Government to draw them into a race war.The decision to instead