標題: Marko Grujic Liverpool Jersey SUV
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-27 16:22  資料 私人訊息 
Marko Grujic Liverpool Jersey SUV
Two ‘trunkers’ were handed over to the police yesterday morning after they were caught red-handed removing items from a parked Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) in the vicinity of the Bourda Market.The men were under surveillance for sometime by public-spirited persons who had long suspected that they were the culprits responsible for breaking into a number of vehicles in the area.“These men are regulars in the area and they were marked,” one vendor told this newspaper.The vendor said that on most occasions they would think that the men are the owners of the vehicles that they are breaking into since they possess keys to gain entry.“Is not until people come and say they vehicle get break that we realize that these men are trunkers,Ivan Rakitic Jersey, but by then they would be gone. These men are big men and nobody used to suspect them,Serge Aurier Jersey,” the vendor said.Yesterday morning, several persons in the area saw the men and decided to monitor their movements.They did not have to wait long to see them go into operation.Minutes later,Cameron Borthwick-Jackson Manchester United Jersey, a woman parked her SUV and proceeded to the Bourda Market, leaving her vehicle locked and unattended.Sure as the night turns day,Hector Herrera Mexico Jersey, the men struck.“They went and open the vehicle with a key and everybody start to alert each other and we watched them,Orbelin Pineda Mexico Jersey,” the vendor said.She explained that while one of the men kept watch for the vehicle’s owner, the other began removing several bags and passing them to his colleague.The SUV that was broken intoThe vendors waited until the man had removed three bags from the vehicle before they confronted him.“We catch he and the other one tried to run away but them boys catch he with the lady bags and hold them till the police come,” another vendor told this newspaper.The men were eventually handcuffed and whisked away to the Alberttown Police Station.“If nobody didn’t see these men,Axel Tuanzebe Manchester United Jersey, the police woulda go and pick up all dem boys around the market and beat them,” the vendor said.The men are expected to be placed before the court today.