標題: Jack Dunn Liverpool Jersey and Junior Bourne
Rank: 4

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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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學分 45690
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-27 14:02  資料 私人訊息 
Jack Dunn Liverpool Jersey and Junior Bourne
Robin Holder, the 19-year-old who was shot by police near Mandela Avenue on Thursday,Luke Moore Jersey, is now a prime suspect in the gunning down of Canada-based Guyanese Rawle Harding at the Cool Square night spot.A source revealed last night that investigators are to re-examine video footage of the killing to ascertain whether one of the gunmen was indeed Holder.The investigators will reportedly be paying particular interest in the fair-complexioned gunman who is seen on the footage scaling the nightspot counter.Holder, who is nursing gunshot wounds to the left hip and groin, is also likely to be placed on an identification parade this week.Shot: Robin HolderHe is suspected to be linked to several other recent armed robberies.Rawle Harding was shot dead and stripped of his jewellery on March 3 by one of two gunmen who had invaded the popular Cool Square nightspot in West Ruimveldt.Police have since charged Dwaine Critchlow,Thomas Muller Germany Jersey, a 27-year-old miner of Vigilance, East Coast Demerara, and Junior Bourne, 19,Danny Ings Jersey, of East Ruimveldt Housing Scheme,Georginio Wijnaldum Jersey, in connection with his murder.Robin Holder, of North East La Penitence, was shot at around 23:00 hrs on Wednesday night during a confrontation with police ranks at the Texaco Service Station in Mandela Avenue.At the time of his arrest, Holder had claimed that his name was Akeem Rose. He had also alleged in an interview with Kaieteur News that the occupants of a black car had shot him.Police sources said that Holder is wanted for questioning in connection with several armed robberies.The matters include the 2009 shooting of a man in Norton Street. The victim was relieved of a gold chain.He is also believed to have been involved in a robbery last year in South Ruimveldt, in which the victim was relieved of a licenced firearm.Investigators believe that Holder’s accomplice in the Mandela Avenue confrontation is a man known as ‘Cobra’,Christoph Kramer Germany Jersey, who is suspected to have gunned down a man in Cayenne in 2009.Police believe that the men were planning a robbery when the TSU ranks confronted them on Wednesday night near the service station.Police allege that Holder and his accomplice had opened fire at a police patrol while sitting in a car.Police sources said that the policemen discharged seven rounds at the gunmen,Marco Fabian Jersey, who fled north along Mandela Avenue before running into North East La Penitence.However, they said that Holder collapsed in a clump of bushes.Police said that they recovered a black .38 revolver (serial number 2173906) with five rounds and a spent shell from the suspect.