標題: Ander Herrera Jersey and de biggest of all
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-27 13:23  資料 私人訊息 
Ander Herrera Jersey and de biggest of all
It ain’t good fuh wish bad for your fellow mankind. One of de Good Book seh suh. Not dem boys. But dem boys seh that when it got people who look like human and think like animal you can’t help wishing dem bad.Is like a man get trapped in a field wid a lion. Wha you gun wish dah animal,Renato Augusto Brazil Jersey, good or bad?When Brazzy,Mathieu Debuchy Arsenal Jersey, Bharrat and Barbie throwing bait and setting trap fuh de whole country, wha you expect people fuh wish dem? When dem set de stage fuh continue to rape we blind you must wish dem bad. And de Man above wouldn’t vex if we do that.Now listen wha dem chaps do. Dem set de stage fuh still funnel y’all hard earned tax money to Jagdeo/Ramroop enterprise.Imagine all pensioner glad fuh dem two cent wha dem does get from de government when de month come. Some of dem depend pun that fuh eat. If dem miss a month dem eat green grass. And Jenny, like she don’t give a raa— ass.De government start fuh announce that dem gun share de pension book fuh next year. Of course dem old people got fuh know wheh fuh guh to collect dem pension book. De government does inform dem all de time by way of advertisement. Dem boys got no problem wid dat and nobody should, too. But is de ‘but’ and not anybody’s butt dem boys talking about. Dem boys different from de Bees butts.Jenny Webster put out a notice that this Sunday only Jagdeo and Ramroop butts (de Hard Times paper) gun get massage wid de ad. She lef out de Big Market Paper,Henrikh Mkhitaryan Manchester United Jersey, de Chronic, and de biggest of all, de Waterfalls paper or as CN does seh, de Cochore Paper.De others gun get it next week Sunday.Of course de Waterfalls boss man seh that he don’t kay fuh de money because he always seh that he can carry all de government ads fuh free.But fuh lef out dem three newspaper,Dele Alli Jersey UK, and fuh give de Hard Times paper wha nobody don’t even see,Herculez Gomez Toronto Shirts, much less read, is not eye pass,Matteo Darmian Jersey, you figure is wha pass.Talk half and ask Jenny fuh de answer.