標題: Javier Aquino Jersey EPA
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-27 12:07  資料 私人訊息 
Javier Aquino Jersey EPA
…exporters complain about buyers not concluding purchase arrangementsSome of the farmers present at the forum on SundayThe Jamaican market has not been taking up the quantities of rice available from Guyana,Danny Ward Jersey, thus causing some disturbance among local exporters.This was announced by Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud, during the Region Two Rice Producer’s Association (RPA) conference on Sunday.Addressing farmers along the Essequibo Coast,Nuri Sahin Jersey, Minister Persaud said that he is very disturbed about the fact.He pointed out that several exporters have reported that they have thousands of metric tonnes ready to ship but their Jamaican buyers are not concluding the purchase arrangements with urgency.Minister Persaud indicated that this matter has been raised with officials in the Jamaican government.He said that a commitment was given that a minimum of about 55,000 tonnes of rice would be purchased from Guyana, annually. This crop, the average price for rice on the international market is in the vicinity of US$800 per metric tonne.Asked about the CARICOM rice market, the Minister maintained that Guyana is committed to supplying this market and the Government has always insisted that supplies be available for CARICOM once economical prices are offered.Guyana exported over 51,000 tonnes last year to Jamaica.Up to the end of August last, Jamaica had only purchased 23,Asmir Begovic Jersey,500 tonnes,Paul Pogba Jersey, which is below Guyana’s projected exports to Jamaica.The Minister noted that Guyana is slated to achieve a record high production of 356,000 tonnes of rice this year.Minister Persaud has refuted claims by some millers that they are unable to pay rice farmers a good price because of Guyana’s position on the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).Persaud clarified that President Bharrat Jagdeo has made it clear that should tariffs be imposed on Guyana’s rice,Paddy McNair Manchester United Jersey, sugar and rum entering Europe, then Guyana may be forced sign the EPA in its current form so as to protect these sectors.?Farmers also reported to the Minister that a few millers claimed that the President’s reluctance to sign the EPA is limiting their ability to pay a decent price for paddy.The Minister deemed such conclusion as ‘utter rubbish’, adding that the President’s position was clear and all millers and exporters are aware of Guyana’s position should tariffs be imposed. He urged those millers not to look for ‘frivolous excuses’ to deny rice farmers an economic price for paddy in the coming crop.Under the yet-to-be-signed EPA, from 2009,Fikayo Tomori Chelsea Jersey, Guyana’s rice will be able to access the European market duty free and quota free.Persaud urged that all stakeholders in the industry make adjustments to the trading arrangements.Guyana currently exports 80 percent of its rice to Europe.The Rice Producer’s Association has been arranging conferences across the country where various concerns of farmers are raised and addressed.