標題: Nathaniel Clyne Liverpool Jersey 25
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-7-26 18:31  資料 私人訊息 
Nathaniel Clyne Liverpool Jersey 25
– duo could be charged with creating public mischief?Police have released the young doctor and his fianc?e, and are awaiting the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions as to whether or not the couple should be charged.Dr Samsundar LakeramDr Samsundar Lakeram,Cheap Jerseys From China, 27, and Radica Devi Dwarka, 25,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who returned home from Suriname on Monday night, were released yesterday afternoon after they were held overnight by police. A source said that they could face charges for creating public mischief.According to a senior police official,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the couple had set the stage for their actions to be interpreted in a certain way.The couple disappeared on Saturday after parking their car on the Kingston seawall just outside the headquarters of the Criminal Investigations Department. They had neatly folded the clothes they were wearing when they left their respective homes and left it on the back seat of their locked car.The cash and other valuables they had on their person were also missing,Jerseys From China, giving most people the impression that they were abducted.This led to a massive search along the seawall and raids of locations on the East Coast of Demerara, including the village of Buxton.“When you leave your clothes in a locked vehicle,Bobby Orr Jersey, what message are you sending?” the senior police official asked. “They caused widespread alarm throughout the country,Cheap Stitched Jerseys,” he added.Residents of at least one East Coast Demerara village, which was searched and has been labeled as crime-prone, expressed concern at the stigma attached to their village since almost every abduction probe focuses on their community.However, the police official assured that investigators were only acting on information received. “If we get a report that a person is being held there we will investigate. It’s not like we are targeting that particular area,” he reasoned.The official said that investigators were able to prove that the couple had traveled to Suriname after obtaining statements from person who traveled with them.According to the official, a woman on the boat in which they traveled to the neighbouring Dutch-speaking republic told investigators that she suspected that something was amiss on seeing the couple.The woman reportedly told investigators that Dwarka who was sitting next to her in the boat kept asking her for information on how to get to Nickerie.Police in a press release had stated that parental pressure on the part of the doctor’s family may have led to the couple fleeing to Suriname.