標題: Carlos Pena Jersey with his injuries
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-26 16:35  資料 私人訊息 
Carlos Pena Jersey with his injuries
A Ruimzeight, West Coast Demerara couple and an alleged ‘Sweet-man’ are in police custody following the death of their rum drinking partner on Monday,Hector Bellerin Arsenal Jersey, a day after he was allegedly beaten.Dead is Anil Shiwraj of lot 13 Back Street, Ruimzeigt who suffered head injuries at the hands of a villager for reportedly “talking too much.”Arrested are Champa and her husband Shoon of lot 15 Middle Street, along with ‘Boogie’, their friend who lives in the same village.The four are known in the village as drinking partners who would have regular loud discourses and disagreement but according to residents they were usually?happy folks.So it came as a surprise to many when they learnt of the circumstances surrounding Shiwraj’s demise.According to witnesses,Maxwell Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, at about 20:30 hours on Sunday during a “find and prove”?argument, Shiwraj was struck on his head several times, leaving him bloodied and unconscious in a yard at lot 15 Middle Street.According to the dead man’s uncle Seeratan Shiwraj,Andrea Bertolacci Jersey, things turned sour after the victim, Champa and ‘Boogie’ went for a walk on the seawalls, minus Champa’s husband Shoon.“Anil come back and tell Shoon?that he leff his wife and Boogie on the seawall. When the two come home, dem start quarrel and dem been ah find and prove. Then me hear one holler,” the neighbour said.The couple’s older daughter said she was awaken by some noise?and ran outside, where she saw Anil laying motionless in their yard, and with assistance from her younger sister,Blank Argentina Jersey, attempts were made to revive Anil.“After we throw water on he face fuh wash off the blood, he nah been wake so we put he pon de road outside.”Farida Campbell,Orbelin Pineda Jersey, another neighbor,Luke Moore Toronto Shirts, said the noise woke her up. “When me went to the veranda, me see the two sisters soaking Anil face and me holla on them and dem hoist he and put he on de road outside the yard and leff he deh.”Other Neighbors, Buddy and Babita, who were on their way home at the time, saw a crowd gathered at the scene and realised that it concerned Anil who did odd jobs in the village. They picked him up and transported him to the West Demerara Regional Hospital.“He was unconscious and his face was swell up and bleeding, so we take he to the hospital and leave he there,” Buddy said.The next time they heard of Anil Shiwraj, he was dead.? According to reports Anil Shiwraj, with his injuries, took his own discharge from the hospital and went to his Back Street, Ruimzeight home where he resided with his father Gaish aka ‘Pumper’.“Is when Pumper start holler for help, awe come see what happen to Anil that we know that Anil dead.”The couple and Boogie were taken into police custody and are said to be assisting with investigations. (Mondale Smith)