標題: Memphis Depay Jersey and Roberta Ferguson
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Memphis Depay Jersey and Roberta Ferguson
More than a year after life seemed over for Tamika Miller-Patterson, she continues to receive support to renew her life that was threatened by domestic violence.From right,Loris Karius Liverpool Jersey, Tamika Miller-Patterson, Eleena King-Luke (Resource Officer- Habitat for Humanity) and Roberta Ferguson (Marketing Officer- PRO for Courts)Courts Guyana on Thursday presented Miller with a fridge and stove. The furniture giant had also collaborated with Habitat for Humanity,Bruno Zuculini Manchester City Jersey, Qualfon, Scotiabank,Manchester City Jersey, Demerara Bank and Edward B. Beharry to present the victim with a house at La Parfaite Harmonie, in March.Habitat for Humanity had responded to plights by the wounded woman and had solicited partnered sponsorship by the other mentioned sponsors.Miller-Patterson survived a terrible knife attack by her now dead husband in March 2014. She came close to death’s door but she pulled through her horrific ordeal. She was stabbed 27 times about the body, and her husband after believing she was dead, committed suicide. Miller-Patterson had also lost her home to fire.The very optimistic woman is very grateful for the continuous support by the many sponsors, as they have brought much hope for a better life to her.She was overwhelmed with emotions as she extended her gratitude. With the renewed hope,Steven Berghuis Netherlands Jersey, Miller-Patterson now desires to have a happy life with her daughter.Despite having some flashbacks and even having to look over her shoulders sometimes,Jeroen Zoet Jersey, she said that she is comfortable in her new home,Sheyi Ojo Liverpool Jersey, and now that the home is being furnished she is even more comfortable.