標題: Nacho Monreal Jersey 30 hours
Rank: 4

UID 639
精華 0
積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-26 14:44  資料 私人訊息 
Nacho Monreal Jersey 30 hours
Fisherfolk operating at the Meadow Bank Wharf have issued a strong appeal for security to be beefed up to stem the wanton robberies that take place there on a daily basis.The appeal comes in the wake of the shooting of 37-year-old fisherman Ganesh Vishwanauth early yesterday morning during an armed robbery at the popular fish trading facility.The vendors are of the view that since millions of dollars are traded there every day,Ederson Jersey, especially in the wee hours of the morning,Daniel Sturridge Liverpool Jersey, there should be adequate police presence to thwart the activities of armed robbers who prey on hardworking fisher folk without fear of being apprehended.Police in their usual knee-jerk reaction stated in a press release that they are investigating the robbery in which Vishwanauth of Grove,Quincy Promes Jersey, East Bank Demerara was at the Meadow Bank Wharf around 03:30 hours, when he was confronted by two men, one of whom was armed with a firearm.The men demanded cash and Vishwanauth resisted and was shot to his buttocks.The perpetrators took away $240,000 and escaped.Vishwanauth was taken to the Georgetown Hospital where he was treated and sent away.Speaking from his home via telephone last evening, Vishwanauth said that he has been in the fishing business all his life and yesterday was the first time he had such an encounter, although he is aware that criminal elements have made the Meadow Bank Wharf area their domain.He told this newspaper that he left his home at around 01:00 hours to go to the wharf to do his normal business,Lukasz Piszczek Jersey, which is buying and selling fish.Viswanauth, who also owns a fishing boat, said that he purchased a load of fish, which he put on his stand to sell when the two men pounced on him.“I had de money in me hand and dese two bannas come up to me and tell me ‘pass all de money wha you gat.’”The fisherman said that the bandits had concealed their faces with their jerseys and hats, so he could not recognize them.One of the bandits who was carrying a gun, discharged a round into the air, while his accomplice grappled with Viswanauth for his money.“De one wha fighting with me tell he partner, ‘shoot dis f@*%ing man leh he pass de money’,” Vishwanauth told this newspaper.Despite the sound of the gunshot and the ensuing commotion,Enrique Esqueda Jersey, no one came to the fisherman’s assistance,Stefan de Vrij Netherland Jersey, obviously scared of the consequences.“People been around but dey frighten,” the fisherman said.Another gunshot was fired and this time the bullet hit Vishwanauth in his buttocks.Vishwanauth eventually handed over the cash to the men who made good their escape.“Dese bannas deh pon de wharf? every day . Nuff time dey does vice people and tek away dey money, but nobody don’t say nothing,” Vishwanauth complained.So far no one has been arrested.