標題: Alex Bono Toronto Jersey PNCR
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帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-25 15:45  資料 私人訊息 
Alex Bono Toronto Jersey PNCR
“Guyana’s electorate is getting younger. For this year’s National Elections over 260,000 of the registrants to vote are 35 years old and below,” says Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Clarissa Riehl.She made those remarks yesterday at the second sitting of the Children’s Parliament, held at the Parliament Building. Several secondary school students of the 11 education districts occupied the venue and debated the significant improvements in education over the last five years.Riehl,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Argentina-Facundo-Roncaglia-Jersey.html, who provided the students with a synopsis of the inner workings of the National Assembly and the function of theA student (standing at left) presents her argument to the large gatheringSpeaker, stated that the participants have shown an early inclination of getting involved in Parliament and debates.She pointed out that while the debate during the Children’s Parliament will see the award of points, in the ‘real’ National Assembly decisions are made impacting the lives of Guyanese.Riehl enlightened the students that she represents the major Opposition Party in the National Assembly, People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR). She explained that in Opposition the Honourable Members point out the flaws in some legislation and also applaud Government whenever necessary.Riehl said that the Deputy Speaker and Speaker of the National Assembly are from the Government side of the House in countries with the Westminster system. However,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, even though Guyana has that system, the Deputy Speaker is from the leading Opposition Party.Riehl stated that it is ironic that the Speaker would be named the ‘Speaker’ since in his capacity he is hardly required to speak in the National Assembly. The Speaker, she explained, arbitrates over proceedings of the National Assembly.The Deputy Speaker informed that the National Assembly is self-regulated and the law-making body of the country; it is the highest court of the land; it has a rulebook, and if the standing orders are breached during the proceedings it is brought to the Speaker’s attention. The Speaker, she said, then intervenes and gives a ruling, and sometimes asks that the Honourable Member apologize or the statement is withdrawn.According to Dr. Frank Anthony, Minister of Culture,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Youth and Sport, who was also present at yesterday’s proceedings, within every organization everyone has different opinions and in healthy societies there is need for debates, articulate issues and a forum to express the differing views. This, he stated, must not be stymied.He emphasised that the various legislations are put before the National Assembly and are debated. The issues are ventilated and once the Members of Parliament cannot agree they are sent to a Special Select Committee. Some pieces of legislation remain for years in that Committee owing to intense debates. However, this allows persons to express their opinions.Dr. Anthony stated that children need to be involved in politics so that their voices can be heard in legislation. He asserted that the Children’s Parliament is the voice for the Children in Guyana and it could be a core activity of the Rights of the Child Commission (ROC).He recommended that the students should be educated about the country’s electoral system.Dr. Anthony also suggested that the election of the students to represent their schools in the Children’s Parliament should be considered.According to Aleema Nasir,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Adidas/, Chairperson, ROC, to execute the functions of the Commission, which include the promotion of the rights and interests of children and respecting their views,Cheap Jerseys From China, the body hosted the Children’s Parliament as one of its major public activities.Nasir stated that the Commission believes that a Children’s Parliament will help to create a developing society with a high sense of responsibility,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, of which children are a part with adults as partners.Outcomes from this session will be used by the Commission to lobby or advise government and its agencies responsible for law-making. It is anticipated that their implementing machinery will fast-track policies that would improve the rights and welfare of children, in accordance with national legal instruments and the international convention’s provisions.The Children’s Parliament provides a viable mouthpiece of children while simultaneously serving as an introduction to the work being done regarding children and young persons in Guyana.She noted that other supporters of the initiative have allude