標題: Sale NFL Jerseys East Bank Demerara
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Sale NFL Jerseys East Bank Demerara
… After tracing him from city bank A 23-year-old businessman was yesterday shot and robbed of $2.3M by two gunmen on a motorcycle, who allegedly traced him from a city bank, where he had earlier made a withdrawal.Injured: Imtiaz ArakhanThe robbery occurred around 10:45 hrs in front of the Demerara Shipping Company Limited at Water and Schumacher Streets in Georgetown.The wounded man has been identified as Imtiaz Arakhan of Lot 225 Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD).The bullet reportedly passed through his right ankle. Up to press time he was awaiting surgery at a city hospital.Kaieteur News was told that the young man had gone to the Shipping Company to pay duty on “some” trucks he had purchased online when the incident occurred.When this newspaper visited the scene yesterday, ranks were seen talking to employees attached to the Shipping Company and taking photographs.They were also reviewing the Company’s surveillance camera in hopes of identifying the gunmen.An eyewitness said that he heard two gunshots and when he ran to the front to investigate, he saw a man jumping onto a motorbike with a bag. The shooter and his assailant then sped away from the scene.At the hospital,Authentic Jerseys Sale, the wounded man’s father, Musraf Arakhan,Wholesale Jerseys, explained that his son went to a city bank to withdraw money and then went to the Demerara Shipping Company Limited to clear the vehicles.Arakhan said that when the young man arrived at the Company, he was informed that the Customs officers were occupied at that time.“He went over to a snackette opposite the Shipping Company to get something to eat. While walking back, a man walked up to him and shot him before taking the money,” the father stated.He said that his son was taken to the hospital by a Customs officer.According to the older Arakhan, he was on his way to another city hospital to seek treatment when he was informed about his son’s tragedy.This newspaper was told that Musraf Arakhan operates a spare parts company at Industrial Site and his son would usually assist him. The young man would also import trucks for resale.The injured man’s mother,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Rita, said that she was at home when she received a call from another son, informing her that his sibling had been shot and robbed.“I come straight at the hospital to see him when I get the news. The bandits escape with everything. My son’s passport, other important papers,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Adidas/, bank book and everything else that was in the bag,” the mother stated.She said that Imtiaz, who celebrated his birthday last Thursday,Sale NFL Jerseys, was never robbed or wounded before.Asked if he would usually move around with a lot of money,Cheap Jerseys From China, the woman explained that he would normally have people with him whenever he is moving around with cash, but he somehow ended up alone yesterday.Investigations are ongoing.