標題: Cheap Stitched Jerseys the work he did
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Cheap Stitched Jerseys the work he did
Dr. Mohamed Yousouf Bacchus, whose name was synonymous with gynaecology in Guyana for over three decades, died at the Woodlands Hospital at around 03:30 hrs yesterday after suffering a heart attack.He was 68.Yesterday, patients were reporting to the New Market Street clinic only to learn of the doctor’s death. Many cried after the shock had sunk in. There was a woman who had been attended to by Dr Bacchus when she was pregnant with her daughter now 32 years old. Yesterday she was at the clinic talking about her pregnant daughter whom Dr Bacchus attended to.Dr. Bacchus,Wholesale Jerseys, who was a father of five, was admitted to hospital on Monday after feeling unwell. He was scheduled to leave for the United States today to undergo surgery for his heart condition. He is to be buried today.People close to him said that ever since the English team was here for the limited overs match against West Indies,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, Dr Bacchus complained of chest pains.He declined to seek medical attention,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, always postponing a visit to the doctor.Yesterday, Dr. Bacchus’s usually-crowded New Market Street clinic was empty, save for a few of his staff members, who had placed a black flag outside.Several of his colleagues expressed shock at his passing, and said that his death would leave a void in the profession, particularly in the field of gynaecology.“He was one of our best doctors…an example of what a doctor should be,”Chairman of the Guyana Medical Council, Dr. Galton Roberts said.“He was one of the best trained, in terms of ability to perform. “He was always helpful to nursing and to the medical staff. He was a mentor to many young doctors, and was responsible for many of us, including myself, moving on to post-graduate work.”According to Dr. Roberts,Wholesale Jerseys Group, Dr Bacchus also played a pivotal role in the country’s midwifery training programme, and was one of the first practitioners to volunteer his services to the University of Guyana medical programme.In fact,Wholesale China Jerseys, Dr. Bacchus was preparing final exams for medical students when he fell ill on Monday.“That is a man who can’t be replaced in the short term.”Another colleague said that the renowned gynaecologist had a rigorous work regimen that would be hard to emulate.“He’d be in his office at seven-thirty in the morning. He’d see one hundred and fifty patients a day, sometimes more. He was phenomenal.”“When he went into theatre, the work he did,Sale NFL Jerseys, very few could equal it.”Kaieteur News was told that Dr. Bacchus did his undergraduate studies at the University of the West Indies’ (UWI) Mona campus in Jamaica, and gained his first degree at UWI (London).He also did his post-graduate work in Jamaica.On his return to Guyana, he worked at several hospitals throughout the country, including the GPHC, before going into private practice.He also worked at the Woodlands Hospital and was a former Chairman of the Guyana Medical Council.Colleagues estimate that he has been a practising gynaecologist for over 30 years.Kaieteur News was told that Dr. Bacchus also conducted a free clinic for the elderly at Peter’s Hall, East Bank Demerara.