標題: Bobby Orr Jersey Harry Ramsaroop
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-25 07:43  資料 私人訊息 
Bobby Orr Jersey Harry Ramsaroop
Vision Guyana and an overseas-based Guyanese couple recently donated $200,000 to the Dharm Shala in Guyana.?The act of benevolence was initiated after Chairman of Vision Guyana, Peter Ramsaroop,Wholesale Jerseys Group, read the appeal for assistance from the Dharm Shala.He immediately started discussions with Owen and Bibi Khan, two overseas-based Guyanese living in Florida.The couple immediately proposed a donation of $200,000.“Guyanese living abroad, like the Khans, have the people of Guyana close to their heart,” said Ramsaroop. “They are proud to contribute to their needs.”The Khans have, for many years,Bobby Orr Jersey, been contributing towards the development of various communities all over Guyana.They said they are proud to support the efforts of Vision Guyana and the call for help from the needy.Founder of the Dharm Shala, Harry Ramsaroop, was pleased at receiving the donation.He added that many needy persons would reap the benefits of the donation.“We have come together,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, along with other Guyanese all over the world,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, to build a ‘We Guyana,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping,’ and in doing so, protect a free,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, fair and open society in Guyana, where fundamental values of liberty, equality and community are balanced, and where no person shall be enslaved by poverty or ignorance,” the Vision Guyana Charter states.