標題: Cheap Jerseys Online Baksh noted
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-22 02:05  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys Online Baksh noted
In an attempt to set the record straight on the Genevieve Whyte-Nedd issue,Wholesale Jerseys Group, Minister of Education Shaik Baksh yesterday asserted that the Acting Chief Education Officer was not sent on leave, but rather was entitled to the leave she is currently taking.Reports are that Whyte-Nedd reported for work last week but was asked to proceed on leave.? However, according to Baksh, “She wasn’t asked as such to go off on leave; she had to go off. Statutorily when you reach the age of retirement you compute the leave entitlement, whether you are on contract or it is a statutory age time, then you have to proceed or you forfeit under the rules, and I don’t want that to happen to any officers of my ministry.”In fact , Baksh noted, it was Whyte-Nedd who had brought the matter up with the Human Resource Department. He disclosed that there was a miscalculation on the part of the department which had outlined September 1 for the commencement of Whyte-Nedd’s leave. Reports are that Whyte-Nedd should be up for retirement in November.Not willing to offer comment on the non-appointment issue,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, the Minister stressed that the appointment of the Chief Education Officer, her Deputy and her Assistants are matters for the Public Service Commission.According to a memorandum from the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary dated April 27, 2007,Cheap Jerseys Online, addressed to the Secretary of the Public Service Commission,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, a request was made to “hold on the filling of the vacancy of the Chief Education Officer until this exercise is completed.” According to the memo,Jerseys From China, the move was essential as the Ministry was in the process of restructuring.The appointment for the Chief Education Officer was advertised twice in 2006 and attracted applications from Whyte-Nedd on both occasions.According to Minister Baksh, the process of restructuring had concluded sometime ago and is completely in the hands of the Commission to address. The matter of Whyte-Nedd’s non-appointment is currently being addressed by the High Court which has requested that the Chairman and other members of the commission show just cause why the appointment should not be made.According to? information from the Guyana Public Service Union which represents Whyte-Nedd,Cheap Jerseys China, the senior officer stands to lose a considerable amount of financial benefits if she is not appointed before retirement. Reports are that if the acting official is not appointed as the substantive Chief Education Officer she will not be able to benefit from the pension and gratuity of the substantive position.