標題: Jerseys From China the Alliance for Change
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-22 01:03  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys From China the Alliance for Change
…asks “What next?”By Abena RockcliffeThe road of “unproductivity” along which the Tenth parliament is travelling seems to have no end as the Government Thursday restated its stance to support Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee.At the same time, the Alliance for Change, on Wednesday, announced that a new motion has been crafted to remove Rohee and stated that the motion has already gained the support of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon, during his weekly post-Cabinet briefing, said that as Cabinet reflected on the more recent developments in the Tenth parliament, particularly the events of the November 8 sitting that led to an abrupt adjournment,Wholesale China Jerseys, it arrived at the assumption that the APNU and the AFC intended to, and indeed challenged the authority of the house.Luncheon asserted that the joint parliamentary opposition, obsessed with their motives, threw caution and compromise out the window.He said that incomprehensively, threats “explicit and otherwise” have become part of the opposition’s defiant utterances.Luncheon noted, however,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, that the opposition was “spectacularly” unsuccessful in its latest attempt to unseat Rohee.He said that Cabinet stands “firm” on Rohee’s tenure. “Doing so, acknowledging, and being reassured that the ever widening range of support and justification for that stance of the administration has been provided.”Cabinet has resolved to continue to impose responsibilities on the speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman, to discharge his functions “fearlessly”.Further, the Cabinet Secretary stated that the body concluded that the way ahead in the Tenth parliament is full of uncertainty. The next sitting, he said,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, which is scheduled for November 22, leaves much for conjecture.Dr. Luncheon contended that the opposition, each day, consolidates its incomprehensible position on the “Rohee problematic.”“Because of their (the opposition) senseless and politically suicidal note on this matter, the rest of Guyana stands bewildered and uncertain about what to expect.”He listed the commission of inquiry,Wholesale Jerseys, the rulings at the High Court, the advice of Senior Counsel and public opinion. The opposition has “ignored all and has failed to move forward one inch.”Citing that the APNU has “promised more” come the sitting of the National Assembly, Luncheon sarcastically asked, what next?The Cabinet Secretary said that the National Assembly is fast becoming a “stage for the antics of the extreme and the reckless and not the house of compromise.”The opposition had passed a no confidence motion against Rohee.? The Speaker, after seeking numerous sources of advice,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, announced that the President has no obligation to honour the motion.While the government’s position has been and remains that the Minister does not sit based on the opposition’s confidence in him, the opposition has been adamant that “Rohee must go”During the last sitting, the opposition’s continued banging and chants that Rohee must go,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, forced the Speaker to suspend parliament until November 22.It was stated that the Speaker has the option to suspend the entire opposition pending its continued actions.Leader of APNU David Granger has signaled his party’s intent to mull other ways of silencing Rohee.