標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys This will in no way silence me
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-21 22:59  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap NFL Jerseys This will in no way silence me
… NCN claims to know attackerKaieteur News columnist Frederick Kissoon has vowed that he will not be silenced by the attack on his person last night when a man threw fecal matters into his face.Kissoon had just emerged from Nigel’s Supermarket on Robb Street around 19:00 hours, and had already entered his vehicle when the man walked up to him and threw the substance on him.Frederick KissoonAlthough momentarily stunned by the attack,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Kissoon managed to drive behind the perpetrator who ran north along Light Street then west into North Road before jumping into a waiting white AT 192 Toyota Carina motorcar and escaped.A soiled Kissoon tried to intercept the car but backed off to avoid a collision.The popular columnist believes that the attack is connected to the article he wrote which was published in yesterday’s edition of the Kaieteur News.In the article,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Kissoon suggested that he had damning information on the 19-year-old woman, Nicole Ming,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, who has implicated former chief executive officer of the Alliance For Change,Cheap Jerseys From China, Peter Ramsaroop in an illegal spying scandal.“Certainly not! This will in no way silence me,” Kissoon told members of the media last night.This is the second time that Kissoon has come under physical attack for his critical comments on issues that are deemed anti-government.In 2004, Kissoon was attacked and had his vehicle stolen. It was subsequently recovered a short distance from Kaieteur News a few hours later.The Guyana Press Association in a statement last night said that it found it more than coincidental that on the same day that “Kaieteur News Columnist and Opinion Writer Mr. Freddie Kissoon carried a very critical article on the President and his friendship with a 19-year old girl that the columnist would be attacked in the crudest, banal and callous of ways.”The GPA said that it sees this as just not an attack on Mr. Kissoon but also as an attack on the Press in Guyana, both “private and state” and the persons behind the attack should “be dealt with”.“We condemn the attack in the strongest possible way. This slippage into dangerous and vile behaviour have got to not continue. We are clearly sliding down a slippery slope when it comes to tolerance and respect,Wholesale China Jerseys,” the GPA said.It added that Kissoon has made a statement to the police and we hope that the police force releases his statement in full in keeping with its new and welcomed decision to release the actual written statements of persons involved in investigations.And late last night, the National Communications Network claimed to have known the perpetrator. It reported that the attack stemmed from an incident between Kissoon and the man’s daughter.NCN reported that Kissoon had made sexual advances to the man’s daughter.This,Wholesale Jerseys, according to the government-owned television station, angered the man who then attacked Kissoon.