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… Almost one year laterAlmost a year ago Winston Andrews was shot and robbed of $1.6M. Today he still harbours suspicions that his attacker is in some way linked to the police.This is especially so since,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, to this date,Bobby Orr Jersey, investigators are telling him that they are no closer to concluding their investigations.Andrews, a businessman of Omai Street, Prashad Nagar, is insisting that from the way the police reacted before and after the robbery,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, there is clear evidence that the police were involved.Although he has almost given up hope that he will ever recover his money, he believes that by giving vent to his feelings,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, at least there will be some satisfaction.The scars are still visible from Winston Andrews's near death ordeal for which he is blaming the police.On April 14 last year, Andrews was driving his car and was about 300 yards from his home when he was pulled over by ranks of a police mobile patrol unit, comprising four ranks.They told Andrews that they were carrying out stop and search exercises and requested to search his car, PKK 474. It was during the hours of darkness and since he had nothing to fear, the businessman agreed to the search.From where he was stopped, Andrews could have seen the lights of his house, and he even called out to his wife to let her know what was taking place.Now, the businessman was carrying a bag that contained a significant amount of cash but he had no fear of being robbed, feeling secure in the presence of the police-or so he thought.He told Kaieteur News that he had removed the bag with the cash while the ranks carried out the search on his car.? After a thorough search, they found nothing incriminating and turned their attention to Andrews’s bag.“They asked me what was in the bag and I told them money. They asked how much and I told them. They then asked to see it and I showed them,” Andrews told this newspaper.What happened next surprised the businessman because the ranks found another reason to detain him further.The ranks took the cash from the bag and spread it out on the trunk of his car where they proceeded to examine it “parcel for parcel”, claiming that they were checking for counterfeit currency.“During the search one of them (who appeared to be in charge) was on his cellular phone, making several calls. He even showed me his phone with a text message,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, saying that it was his girlfriend asking him to put some credit in her phone,” Andrews told this newspaper.The rank then asked him where he got the money from and he showed then them a receipt which verified that it was the proceeds from the sale of gold.But as he was about to leave the ranks made their usual demand, “Lef something with we”.Andrews said he gave them $6000 and went on his way home thinking that that was the end of his ordeal. How wrong his belief turned out to be.As he was entering his yard he parked his car on his bridge and proceeded to open his gate.Leaving the car on the bridge he also took the opportunity to secure his dogs in their kennel.But as he was returning to his car, he was shocked to see a man standing near his vehicle, in which he had left the bag with his money.“I asked him what’s wrong and he said, ‘What’s wrong? I am going to kill you.’ He went to his pocket and pulled out a gun,” Andrews recalled.He said that the man pointed the gun at him two times and pulled the trigger and both times the weapon failed.It was when the man was cranking the weapon for the third time that he decided to rush him.A gunshot rang out and Andrews found himself bleeding from a wound to his right side rib.As he lay on the ground the man jumped into his vehicle and drove it away with the bag of cash.Minutes later Andrews was rushed to the Georgetown Hospital where he remained for the next two weeks.Meanwhile, following the shooting the ranks who had stopped him earlier returned and searched the scene and recovered two rounds and a spent shell, which one of them concealed in his pocket.“This thing happened just after I left these people and yet they were nowhere around, not even when the shot was fired and my house was just 300 yards away,” Andrews lamented.He explained that crime scene investigators subsequently arrived on the scene and they too began searching for spent shells and it was what happened next that has convinced Andrews and his family that the police might have been involved.“My stepson told the detectives that the (patrol) ranks had picked up the shells and he had to ask them for it. These same police come back later and threatened my stepson telling him that he like to see too much,