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To rekindle the art of reading, enhance writing skills, and allow another adventure into the industry of literature, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) sponsored a five-day creative writing workshop, organized by Writers in Concert (WICK).Inge Nathoo, Secretary General, UNESCO Commission Guyana, yesterday, at the opening of the workshop held at the Georgetown National Library, informed the 45 participants, comprising youths and adults, that literacy is at the heart of reading and writing.“Literacy is a human right, a tool of personal empowerment and a means for social and human development,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey,” she stated.Nathoo asserted that one of the more important traditions birthed by UNESCO is the World Book and Copyright Day. The organization is involved in other programmes including World Poetry Day, and World Storytelling Day.She noted that every opportunity that is afforded in the world of writing must be utilized to the optimum.“The fact that persons have signed up for this workshop is an indication of a positive thrust in their development as custodians of ideas and agents of change. Persons can make a difference through their writing,” Nathoo stated.“The workshop is anticipated to be the stepping stone into the world of writing for participants who want to continue writing,” President of WICK Petamber Persaud indicated.“The opportunity is there for them to remain in contact with their group’s facilitator who would continue to help develop their writings and exchange ideas.? In addition, after the conclusion of the workshop writings they would continue to undergo scrutiny so that well written pieces would be available.”According to Bibi Ali, Deputy Chief Education Officer (Development), Ministry of Education,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the workshop is important as it focuses on language development, and language is man’s major form of communication.She stressed that the ability to write thoughts and feelings in the various formats is a skill that everyone must develop and maintain for effective communication.“Writing allows greater clarity and appreciation of each other’s effort to communicate. From an educational point of view the benefits of being able to write creatively are tremendous and can serve several functions including: entertainment, foster artistic expression, and stimulate imagination,” Ali noted.She continued: “While writing certainly should be enjoyable,Wholesale Jerseys Group, and children should have opportunities to choose their own subjects and methods of writing,Soccer Jerseys From China, the importance of creative writing in developing children’s cognitive and communication skills cannot be underestimated.“Great poets, playwrights,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, and novelists in Guyana and beyond have been able to arouse readers’ emotions and imaginations and encourage persons to explore hidden feelings. This is owing to their ability to express thoughts, feelings and emotions in an imaginative,Wholesale China Jerseys, unique and poetic way.”Ali posited that if one were to read the work of Martin Carter, Naipaul, and Shakespeare, he or she would see how unique they are, even though they are equally compelling.WICK was officially registered this year as an entity. It seeks to ignite the landscape of Guyanese literature.