標題: Wholesale Jerseys 37
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-20 18:14  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys 37
A security guard is in hot water after police nabbed him stealing tools in a property not far from his work place.Lewis McDonald,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 37,NFL Jerseys Supply, was yesterday granted $100,000 bail when he appeared before Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.It was alleged that on Friday,Discount NFL Jerseys, August 17th, McDonald reportedly left his post during his shift and venturing into someone’s yard where he reportedly stole a crankshaft and a crusher hammer costing almost $300,000. The items reportedly belonged to Khemraj Bridgelall.McDonald,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who was not required to plead,Andy Pettitte Jersey, asked for bail and said that he lives at Lot 1,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, East La Penitence.The Court Prosecutor, while not objecting to bail, asked for it to be substantial. The accused will be returning to court again on October 15.It was alleged that McDonald was caught red-handed by patrolling officers as he was gathering the articles in the victim’s yard during the wee hours of the morning.The security guard, it was alleged, was unable to explain his possession of the items. He was arrested and later charged.