標題: Jerseys NFL Wholesale Savitree Teekaram
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-19 22:53  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys NFL Wholesale Savitree Teekaram
Forty-three-year old Balram Teekaram,Jerseys NFL Cheap, called ‘Bandar’ of Cornelia Ida, who was shot on Tuesday last after armed bandits invaded his West Coast Demerara home,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, has died.Dead: 43-year-old minibus driver Balram Teekaram The man’s wife,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Savitree Teekaram, told this publication that her husband died around 03:30 hours yesterday while receiving treatment at the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.Mrs. Teekaram said that ever since the incident her husband was unconscious up until his death. She added that a scan of head revealed that a bullet had severely damaged his brain and that the bullet was still lodged in his head.According to the grieving woman, they received a call from the hospital early yesterday morning and when they arrived at the institution they were told that the shot man couldn’t make it.“Since the day before they told us that the chances of him surviving was very slim and that he was very low,Jerseys NFL China, since the night of the incident he was on life support but still we were hoping for the? best.” The woman said that she even enquired from the doctors whether surgery was an option for her husband but she was told no.? The dead man’s son who was also injured during the attack said that the persons who attacked their home were known to them.Yougindra Teekaram said that earlier in the day at least two of his attackers who are well known in the community were at their home.? “The boys we know them so they come and all of us were talking so they start asking some funny question…We hear these same boys do robberies so they keep asking me if me father got gun so I tell them yes,”.The young Teekaram said that he told the men that his father was a licensed firearm holder who always kept his weapon under his pillow at nights.However mere hours after that conversation Teekaram said he was awakened by a cold metal object to his head.“I see ‘Alvin’ so I jump up and say boy wha you doing in me house. Me and you does mek all them jokes?” Teekaram said that he was gun butted and told to shut up. He said the man whom he identified threatened to shoot him if he called any other name.The lad recalled that he then noticed two other men in his house. “They took away my cell phone, another Blackberry which was in the room,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, some jewellery and some cash.” He added that the men then went into his father’s bedroom and he heard something which sounded like a gunshot but he was held back in his room by one of the gunmen.“The one that stay in the room with me tell me that ‘we done shoot you father. If you ain’t believe come and see. And we gon shoot you if you ain’t give we the rest of money and gold.” The young man said that he pleaded with the men for his life while telling them to take whatever valuables they found.Shortly after, the men fled the house. Teekaram said because of the fear in him although his bedroom door was opened he jumped over the bedroom wall to get to his father.? “When I reach in daddy room it was blood all over, the mattress was on the floor, the pillow on the floor and daddy was on de floor bleeding.”Fearing that his father was already dead,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Teekaram said that he ran over to a next door neighbour for help. The lad said neighbours assisted with getting his father to the hospital.This newspaper was told that the following day two of the suspects were seen walking in the area as though nothing had happened. Both men were arrested and have since been charged and remanded.However new charges are likely to be instituted soon as a post mortem is expected to be performed on Monday.