標題: Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey he said
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UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-19 19:26  資料 私人訊息 
Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey he said
The Ministry of Health to boost efforts to deal with an increase in suicide attempts.For the first quarter of this year, the West Demerara Regional Hospital dealt with 39 suicide attempts. The youngest person was 17 years old while the oldest person was 39 years old.This is according to Mr. Robert Singh,Cheap Jerseys Online, Social Worker attached to the West Demerara Regional Hospital and also the focal person for the suicide programmes at the Ministry of Health. The statistics for the April – June period are still being compiled.Mr. Singh noted that there has been an increase in the number of attempts as compared to last year at the West Demerara Regional Hospital and that these attempts have been seen among secondary school students, with the majority being of East Indian descent. The most commonly used method was the ingestion of pesticide.In general, he said, the Ministry of Health is not in the position to deal with this increase since the resources are not available. As such, the Health Ministry will be looking to involve a number of stakeholders over the next few months to boost their ability to address the issue country wide.Singh said that the Ministry would be working along with members of the community,NFL Jerseys China, religious organisations, the Ministries of Education, Human Services and Social Security and Home Affairs to develop collaborative programmes to tackle the issue of suicide. He added that major focus will be placed on the secondary schools since the suicide attempts are continuing to increase among high school students.He added that there is a great need for close collaboration especially with the pesticide and control board since the need for control of access to pesticides needs to be addressed with urgency.Over the past years,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, the Ministry of Health has developed a number of programmes in collaboration with the Dalhousie University from Halifax Canada to help decrease the number of suicide cases. One of the major programmes is the Suicide Gatekeepers programme which is focused on training persons to identify early signs of suicidal tendencies in persons and how to get these persons the correct help that they might need.Over 300 persons have been trained over the past two years from various regions across the country. Some categories of persons trained are teachers, doctors, religious leaders,Wholesale Jerseys Group, members of the Guyana Police Force,Throwback Jerseys, non-governmental organisations and community members.One of the newest initiatives is the production of training materials for secondary school teachers. This gives them the tools to identify students who might have suicidal tendencies. The training material has been successfully tested on three schools so far– the Leonora Secondary School,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, Zeeburg Secondary and the West Demerara Secondary School.