標題: Bobby Orr Jersey in days to come
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Bobby Orr Jersey in days to come
“I enjoyed my years—every moment— I admit there were some dull moments, but just getting things sorted quickly and moving on… that was always my primary goal.”By Leon SuseranAs the world pauses to honour teachers this Saturday (World Teachers’ Day), we pause too, to tell you about a remarkable educator who gave 37 years of her life to the teaching profession. And she continues to serve to this day, even though she has passed the age of retirement.Beverly HazlewoodBeverly Gail Tucker-Hazlewood currently administers remedial education to slow learners at Canje Secondary School. She simply loves teaching. Her mother,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Joyce Tucker, was a teacher for 38 years and today, so are two of her sisters in Guyana, namely retired head teacher, Margot Tucker of Diamond Secondary, as well as Angela Tucker, Head teacher of Mt. Sinai Nursery, in West Canje.The theme for World Teachers’ Day this year is ‘A Call for Teachers’, and this week, the simple but significant contributions of ‘Teacher Beverly’ as she is popularly called, can indeed be a loud call for all teachers out there, to emulate and fashion their lives as teachers—to be even more dedicated and loving to their jobs and to the nation’s children. Her name is well- known in the field of nursery education as well as Home Economics, since the latter was originally her specialization when she entered the profession.But we’ll take it from the beginning.Beverly Tucker’s childhood was spent in many places, including Savannah Park and Cooper’s Lane, New Amsterdam, even as far as Essequibo. She recalled being that well- rounded little girl back during those days, learning to ride a bicycle and falling down several times,Bobby Orr Jersey, “swimming when it was rainy; playing games on moonlit nights—hide-and-seek; bush cooks—lots of that!”She recalled having ‘bush cooks’ in the Beharrys’ and Semples’ yards. She was also part of the Girl Guides and Brownies under the instructorship of Zena Cummings, “having Remembrance Day Parades, and we attended church.” She enjoyed attending church events, including fairs and plaiting the May pole at All Saints Anglican Church. It was her mother’s way, she added, of getting them out to see what was happening and shaping them as young people.Talking about her schooling, she vividly remembers her teachers back then including ‘Miss George’, Samuel Archer, Roland Robinson, Sheila Waldron, Constance John, George Michael and Rama Rampersaud. She attended Vryman’s Erven Government School in 1968. Her dad, Wilbert Tucker was a policeman and his job entailed him being transferred a lot. So in 1970, he and the family—with fifteen children—moved to Essequibo. She had to be transferred from St. Patrick’s Anglican School in Canje (where her mom taught) to Anna Regina Primary.Presenting the school’s report at the Rose Hall Estate Primary graduation in July 2011.Young Beverly gained distinctions in Algebra and Home Economics and passes in four other subjects at the College of Preceptors (CP), but could not attend secondary school due to financial constraints, “so a few of us had to go off to work.”She started to teach Home Economics in 1973 at the tender age of sixteen. At the time, there were not so many young teachers, she said. Apart from “loving to be around where food was” Home Economics-Food & Nutrition was her forte since the Primary Level “and our teachers were very good and they found that I had the skills and calling.” “I love cooking and it’s only now, with gas becoming so expensive,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, that I have had to ease down with baking—but it is something I love.”Having spent eighteen months teaching there at Anna Regina Primary, she later taught at Sparta Primary School in Danielstown, Essequibo, where she spent four years. She served as a Teacher-Officer at the Guyana National Service. She talked about participating with other trainees in construction of buildings at the Konawaruk National Service Centre.“We spent about two weeks there as part of the course and we had our full uniforms, took part in drills, lecture sessions, culture, toured around a bit.”Returning to school, they were tasked with training the children what they would have learnt. Afterwards, she taught at Maria’s Lodge Nursery until 1980. Her mom was a Field Officer in the Nursery sector in Essequibo at the time.“My main task was to help teachers upgrade their professional statuses. This was done through interactive sessions (large and small groups); mounting exhibitions; conducting tours and visiting other schools.”In 1980, the family returned to Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, after her father retired. She then continued teaching at Gaceline Nursery School at Ferry Street, New Am