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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-19 13:50  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping totaling $2.5M
–?? ?Sergeant busted,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, Barrack Room labourer being investigated? ?The Guyana Police Force has launched an internal investigation into a discrepancy,Jerseys Cheap NFL, totaling $2.5M, in fuel purchases by the Bartica Police Station.The discrepancy was unearthed about a month ago, but the Force had been silent on the matter.Under investigation are a Sergeant,NFL Jerseys China, and a Barrack Room labourer,Cheap Jerseys From China, who also acts as a coxswain, both attached to the Bartica Police Station. The Sergeant has since been relieved of his command of the station and is now serving at the Tactical Services Unit, Police Headquarters,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, Eve Leary.But the hammer may not fall on these two only, since there are reports that investigators are looking to find out to what extent the lack of proper supervision from senior officers contributed to the present situation.This newspaper was reliably informed that the labourer, who operates the police boat at Bartica, would collect fuel for the vessel from a petrol station in the district. However, he would normally collect more than he is authorized to, ignorant of the fact that there is an established quota of fuel for the station.It must have been that the extra-fuel bill became so high over a period of months that caused eyebrows to be raised.Concerns were raised and it was discovered that the labourer was collecting extra fuel which was charged to the police.According to information received by this newspaper, this smacks of supervisory irregularities, since a senior officer should have been aware of what was taking place before it reached such alarming proportions.Normally,NFL Jerseys Outlet, an officer in charge of the Bartica Police Station would contact the supplier and authorize the amount of fuel to be collected, but in the case of the labourer and the boat, this was not done, leading investigators to believe that there was also some amount of collusion.Reliable sources have indicated that criminal charges are likely to be instituted upon completion of the investigation by the police’s Office of Professional Responsibility.